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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Sniping Prospects at the Grocery Store

 Typically, I do one large food shopping trip each month, with smaller trips for perishable items as needed in between. Due to Amway meetings taking up so much of Ambot's time, we had gotten behind on our grocery shopping and were running low on supplies. We had planned a night out where we would go shopping, and just as we were about to go out the door, his cell phone chirps, indicating that he has received a text message. To which I respond that he should disregard it because the only texts he receives are from some upline asshole.

To be sure, the conceited jerk who sponsored Ambot and the fucking moron who sponsored him have booked a meeting at Taco Bell for the very next day. I instruct Ambot to tell them to fuck off because we have something else in mind for them. Instead, Ambot states that we must cease and desist from whatever we are doing since the cultists demand him to be accessible at their beck and call at all hours of the day and night. Given that we hadn't had dinner yet, I suggested that I get some Mexican fast food before we went grocery shopping. And I really mean it. Before the store closes for the night.

Except for the fact that they were harassing us about "the business," I have no recollection of what those two jerks wanted from us. Because these two cretins are considerably younger than us, Ambot was of the opinion that they were our upline and that we should treat them as gods and kiss their asses, whereas I was not under any such deluded delusions. I made it very obvious to those two cretins that I needed to get to the grocery store before it closed, despite the fact that they were attempting to persuade Ambot to stay in Taco Bell so that they could discuss some very important business tactics with him. I sort of won this battle since Ambot and I were on our way to the store when those two fucking fools pulled up in their car behind us and followed us. What are they going to get in the grocery store? They were both still living at home with their mothers, who were in charge of the shopping and the cooking.

Those two cretins told Ambot to go to the grocery store and look for prospects. Oh my god, how embarrassing is that? The security guy is standing outside the store, so Ambot leaps on him while I push the grocery cart inside and abandon him to his inane Amway games for the rest of the day. Eventually, Ambot catches up with me and informs me that the security guard is a promising candidate for whom he has obtained his phone number. Isn't that a nasty joke? At first glance, it appears as though he is attempting to pick up a date at the grocery store.

These two upline jerks either grow tired of roaming around the grocery store, or they simply became frustrated with their lack of success sniping consumers, and they leave. They did, however, continue to call and contact Ambot while we were out shopping to see how the prospecting was going for them. Ambot attempted to strike up a conversation with a couple of other shoppers, but most of them looked at him as if he were some kind of freak, and I pulled the shopping cart as far away from him as I possibly could.

When we approach to the cash register line, Ambot begins conversing with the man in line in front of us, who appears to be in a state of discomfort. Despite the fact that Ambot is employing F.O.R.M. on him, he bypasses F (Family) and goes straight for O. (Occupation). The individual has something to do with the development of computer video games. Ambot is able to extract that much information from him before his cell phone rings. It's the pompous jerk who's sponsoring the event. In a fit of elation, Ambot informs his upline bastard that he will not believe who he is speaking with: a person who invents electronic gaming devices. After the call has ended, he returns to the man, who is most likely wishing with all his might that the cashier would move a little faster, and informs him that his friend who was on the phone is interested in a similar vocation (BULLSHIT!) and would like to speak with him at some point. When Ambot asks for his work phone number, the man hesitantly obliges.

My knowledge of whether Ambot or the conceited braggart attempted to contact the man is slim to non-existent. It's likely that the piece of paper on which the number was written was misplaced.

I'm not sure what's more embarrassing: this or this. Faking an interest in someone's professional life in the aim of tricking him into attending an Amway meeting, or snooping on grocery shoppers in order to persuade them to attend Amway meetings.

A common claim made by Amway employees is that there is no other business like theirs. In fact, I can't think of another business that would dispatch staff into areas where most people do not want to be disturbed by a rabid cult follower in search of new business opportunities.

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