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Saturday, September 11, 2021

How Do I Get My Son Out of Amway?

 I receive several searchers per day who are looking for information on how to get their loved one out of Amway, but lately I have been inundated with people who have found their way here hoping to find information on how to get their son, daughter, husband, friend, or other family member out of Amway, or how to persuade someone to leave Amway, or that their brother has been brainwashed by Amway.

The despair that these people are feeling is palpable. They have nowhere else to turn but to the Internet, where they can only hope to discover the information they are looking for. We regrettably cannot provide a universal response to this question. It is certain that the ambot will always have some canned amspeak response memorised by some upline Amway jerk in order to respond to almost any argument. This is a component of the training that ambots get at Amway meetings.. Amway needs an answer to everything those bad losers could possibly ask about the company! The only thing most people can do is sit back and wait for things to play out its course. 95 percent of ambots leave Amway within two years, and the majority of them will most likely leave within three months to a year once they understand how much money they've wasted on this fraud and how little money they'll receive in return.

The unfortunate reality is that most of the time you just have to let it take its course and hope that the ambot figures it out sooner rather than later before too much damage has already been done.

Those who are witnessing their loved one transform before their very eyes into a brainwashed ambot will find little consolation in this. After being a kind and considerate person, someone has suddenly transformed into a cruel, spiteful, and self-deprecating bully, with his sole purpose in life being to put other people down. People who work for a living rather than owning their own business should be criticised in particular. It isn't meant to be taken personally. They are imitating the actions of their upline. That's how ambots communicate.

An Amway member left comments about her step-son and how disrespectful he had become since joining the company, particularly towards his father, and sneered at him because he worked and wasn't a business owner. I received a response from this woman. He was finally kicked to the curb. Tough love is required. According to my memory, the youngster was 20 or 21 years old at the time, which made him mature enough to support himself through work, assuming he wasn't squandering his earnings at Amway. Though she suspected he may have slept in his car, she now believes he may have gone to an ambot crash pad.

Because everyone else is a broke loser who tried Amway and failed, Ambots have been trained by their cult leaders not to accept anything they hear about the company. They want to steal your dream. Your Amway upline is the one person who truly cares about you and is looking out for your best interests above everything else. These are the people who genuinely care about you and want your company to succeed.

A lot of Amway nonsense, to say the least!

In addition, it is aggravating. So how do ambots become so easily brainwashed by the jerks in their Amway upline so quickly? These individuals are essentially strangers to them, whom they have only known for a brief period of time. As if by magic, these people have transformed into beings of unfathomable wisdom and love, as well as all the other nasty cult nonsense that goes along with i

Let's have a look. Is there anyone out there who is truly more kind and loving, and who truly has their best interests at heart? People with whom the ambot has had long-standing ties throughout their lives, or some screwed up Amway jackass they've just known for a few weeks or months?

Even if you are able to enlist the assistance of a disinterested third party to reason with an indoctrinated ambot, it may not be enough to make a positive difference. The best person to get assistance from is a financial adviser or a business consultant with experience in your industry. Perhaps another business professional will come along. Inviting the ambot to a meeting in order to analyse the Amway business strategy is a good idea. Instruct the ambot to provide a copy of their upline's profit and loss statement as well as information on their tax return. Upline will very certainly refuse to divulge financial details, becoming all huffy and claiming that such information is confidential. The consultant should inform the ambot that legitimate business owners would be required to open their financial records. The consultant can have a look at the business plan and point out how unlikely it is that the ambot will be one of the less than 1 percent of people who will make money in this industry. There is a greater than 99 percent failure rate. If they still aren't interested, request that the ambot keep a profit and loss statement for the next three months. If this is the case, it may be vital to demonstrate what this means and how they track their costs and profits. Get them to agree to another meeting to reevaluate how their business is going, and then hope that this will work when they look at the losses on the financial statements.

Unfortunately, in most circumstances, you have to stand by and watch as someone digs themselves deeper and deeper into debt while you do nothing to dissuade them from continuing their insane behaviour. Once the ambot has spent all of the money in their bank account on Amway items, meetings, and tools, it is likely that they will get into debt of some kind, whether it be credit cards, a line of credit, or a personal loan. Once they've reached their limit, they're stuck. There isn't any money left over to spend on Amway items. When the money runs gone, the ambots are compelled to quit. Is it worth it to an ambot to suffer financial and emotional hardship in order to please their cult leader? During this time period, the Amway cult takes precedence over everything else in their lives, including their families. Until the day comes when they have no more money to spend on Amway products to appease their cult leader. The ambot is then shunned, mocked, and abused by the upline, who claims that they lack the necessary skills to be a successful business owner.

Best-case possibilities include a deepening of the financial hole, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and divorce since partnerships are unable to withstand such a high level of financial stress.

When the ambot reaches its nadir, who will be there to see it? In their Amway upline, there are a bunch of all-knowing, all-loving assholes who, despite the fact that they have only known you for a brief length of time, have vowed to be your closest friends forever. The ambots' friends and family, on the other hand, are people they have known all their lives.

To anyone who is looking for information on how to get their loved one out of Amway. Just hold on for a while longer. In a few more months, they'll be relying on you to pick up the pieces.

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