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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Amway is one of the Top 2 Environmental Companies in the World?

 I have a number of notebooks laying around the house. The majority of the time, I use them to rip out pieces of paper for grocery lists or to scribble down an address or phone number. As luck would have it, these notebooks are never in my possession when I am in desperate need of a piece of paper, but every now and then, I come upon one of them stashed away in a drawer.

I was able to track down one! The only reason I'm writing this is to remind myself how much it irritated me when Ambot took any convenient notepad he could find in order to be a good little IBO and take notes at Amway meetings. It's imperative that you document this nonsense! It's a shame that the tape recorder wasn't good enough to capture the Amway deception for all time. A page in his notebook contains notes about a board plan our Emerald was presenting, and I'm ready to pull that page out of my notebook, but now that I'm fully aware of the Amway fraud, curiosity forces me to look at it and see what lies the cult followers were subjected to that night.

The notebook will remain in place for the time being because I can see that it will provide me with ideas for future posts in the near future.

The Emerald declares that Amway is one of the top two environmental corporations in the world, citing research from the World Resources Institute.

Yes, I am confident that it is! That being said, here is the situation. Who would have the audacity to question upline? Everyone, including the ambots, has been brainwashed into believing that everything the cult leaders say is true. All of the other points of view are deceptions. Except that they're most likely telling the truth, and the cult leaders don't want their followers to find out about it.

So I went to Google and looked up the names of the top two environmental corporations in the world.

The most popular hit comes from a business called Engineering News Record, which has compiled a list of the top 200 environmental enterprises in the world. CH2M Hill Ltd is the number one company in the world. Bechtel is ranked second. Wait! How is this possible? Amway, according to our cult leader, is in the top two! It's almost as if there is a conspiracy! There's someone out to prove that the Emerald is nothing but a fibbering liar!

Oh. That'd be me, by the way. It's a joke, of course!

This list dates back to 2008, and it is presented in alphabetical order so that it is easy to discern that Amway, Alticor, or Quixtar are not included on the list. A-Z.asp

To be on the safe side, I'll click on the following Google link: Environmental and Energy Management News. This list of the world's top ten greenest firms was compiled since the asshole may have meant to say "green" instead of "environmentally friendly." It's imperative that Amway is ranked in the top two, because if they aren't, then it's yet another piece of evidence that our Emerald is an outright liar!

Vestas Wind Systems is the number one company in the world. Hmm. So, who is the second person in line? Svenska Cellulosa is a Swedish company that produces cellulosa. Interesting. Not only are Amway and Alticor not included in the top two, but this is a different top two than the one published by Engineering News Record. In case anyone is interested, the top ten are listed below.

There's no way this is going to help you prove that the dishonest cult leader was telling the truth for a change! Let's try a different link. This information comes from Newsweek, a reputable source, and it is included in their 2010 Green Rankings.

IBM is ranked first, and Hewlett Packard is ranked second. What??!!! Where does Amway rank among the top two?

The top 20 companies are shown on the list, but you can search for a company's name to discover if it is in the top 500. I experimented with Alticor and Amway. What's more, guess what? There's nothing there!

A list of the top 100 corporations in the world is also available on their website.

I'll save you some time by doing the searching for you. Neither Amway nor Alticor are represented on the list.

Currently, it appears that no reporting organisation can agree on the world's top two environmental corporations. They can all agree, however, that Amway, Alticor, and Quixtar are not among the companies on their lists.

It would appear that Amway only exists as one of the world's top two major environmental firms in Amway's fantasy world, and that it is not a real company. Is it better for them to round up their employees, get them intoxicated, conduct a survey, and then send out the fabricated results to cult leaders in order to get this knowledge out to the general public?

After all, why not? How many different ways can they defraud their cult members?

The problem arises when they come up against someone who despises their upline and goes out of their way to find the truth and publish it in a blog in order to make them appear to be a bunch of bastards.

And now we are all aware of the reality.

Emerald, our asshole, is a liar and a thief. There's a surprise in store for you!

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