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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Staying In Amway For Fear of Breaking Marriage

 True enough, this was the search criterion that led someone to my blog: staying in Amway for fear of ending their relationship.

This is quite disturbing. Not the bit about being afraid of Amway, because Amway should be feared in the first place.

I've heard it said several times in Amway meetings that the company helps couples save their marriages. And even some crap from our Platinum, such as the claim that WWDB has a lower divorce rate than the general population (which is false). I'll never understand how he came up with that little nugget of wisdom. Nevertheless, the only thing he excels at is spouting lies and expecting his loyal cult members to believe every word he says to be real.

I believe that what I have to say about the agony I went through as a result of Amway, as well as what other women have said, some of whom have made comments on this blog and others who have written comments on other websites, speaks for itself.

The wives of ambots are victims of the Amway pyramid system, according to the company.

Tolerating husbands who are being brainwashed by their cult leaders is an everyday occurrence for us. They morph into nasty, sarcastic, sneering assholes who turn on everyone who does not support their Amway business and turn on them as well.

According to what our Platinum used to chant: "People who are not in Amway are foolish."

That is something our men believe. They don't want to be in the company of obtuse individuals. ...and sure, just because Platinum says something doesn't mean that it is accurate. That is, in their brainwashed minds, of course.

In addition to the personality shift that women must endure from their ambot husband, they might look forward to the fact that they will not have to spend as much time with him. A minimum of two Amway meetings will be held per week, if not more. There could be as many as four. The upline will be demanding the husband's attention in a variety of ways, including extended phone calls, never-ending text messages, and being summoned to last-minute counselling appointments.

Now that I'm reliving those horrific memories, allow me to take a moment to say a heartfelt fuck you to our previous upline. Fuck you cretinous cretins!

In addition, the wife must deal with the fact that she will not be spending any time with her ambot husband. A family gathering, going out with his wife and children for pleasant activities, or taking a vacation are not things he is interested in. Nothing. Unless it involves kissing his upline's arse and attending Amway functions, he isn't interested in doing absolutely nothing.

Then there's the matter of money. Credit cards are being maxed out in order for the ambot to purchase as many Amway products as his upline pressures him into purchasing with his own money. It's imperative to get that PV up there so that some upline fucker can fulfil the goals for the month! The amount of money in my bank account is diminishing. Bills are not being paid as they should be. Rent or mortgage payments have been late for a few months, and eviction or foreclosure proceedings may have been initiated. No marriage requires that kind of stress, especially when the participation in Amway is the source of the stress.

Their credit scores have plummeted to the bottom of the barrel.

And, until a few months ago, their marriage was going swimmingly. There was no outstanding debt. They had some money in the bank. Bills were never late or unpaid. They were having a great time together and were enjoying life.

Then a wicked beast by the name of Amway turned against them and ended their marriage.

Wives are capable of tolerating a wide range of behaviours from their husbands. Everyone has that one unattractive piece of furniture they want in their home at one point or another. Or that T-shirt with the Rolling Stones on it that they had to get. Their friends are invariably some dipshit jerk who neither of them can stand, and this is especially true for the wife. They go through strange periods, such as when they decided that purchasing a four-wheeler would be a good idea.

Because Amway is a network marketing company, if a wife does not join her husband and stand by his side, smiling foolishly at him and remaining silent like a nice little ambot wife, all of her husband's new acquaintances will turn against her, which is a serious problem. The upline ambots do everything they can to break up the marriage, accusing the ambot's wife of being a dream stealer, negative, unchristian, and a loser, among other things. The ambot believes whatever it is that those troublemaking bastards have brainwashed him into believing. It is their mission to end her marriage because she does not support the Amway business and does not wish to invest any more money in it or go further into debt in the hope of becoming one of the less than 1 percent of IBOs who actually make money at Amway. They are determined to bring the marriage to an end. She understands that starting a firm with a 99 percent failure probability means that the odds are stacked against them from the beginning. There are other methods for them to put their money to work. Ambots yell out every untruth they can think of in order to turn the husband against her when she makes common sense decisions like that and cuts off money to the great Amway gods.

When the wife is forced to go to the Internet with the subject of whether she should continue working for Amway despite the fact that it is destroying their marriage, she finds herself in a bad place.

What exactly does she spit out? Is it the Amway or the Ambot?

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