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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lobotomized is Blogging!

 Visit Lobotomized's new blog for more information:

He's made the decision to start a blog in order to communicate with his upline.

Is it just me, or does anybody else do this? It's a joke, of course!

There is a great deal of emotional suffering associated with being a member of the Amway cult. To determine which was worse, the financial losses or the abuse from my upline, would be too close to call at this point in time.

The majority of people who have been cheated by Amway eventually recover financially. It is possible that the emotional harm will take longer.

My blog is written from the perspective of my wife, who has been seeing how my husband has been abused by those upline bastards. I'm sure I'm not up to speed on everything. Some of the shit he went through because of his upline has already been shared with me, but I'm sure there's more he hasn't shared with me in order to either protect me or so that I don't become even more enraged at those bastards, or simply to protect himself from the sheer embarrassment of how he allowed himself to be treated by those fucking upline assholes.

The husband's perspective on his involvement in the Amway fraud and the abuse he received from his upline is presented on Lobotomized's blog. I'm hoping he'll be able to fill in some of the gaps.

Wishing you the best of luck with your new blog, Lobotomized! I'm really looking forward to reading your storey!!!

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