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Saturday, September 11, 2021

How Sick is it To Sneak Into An Amway Function?

 Anyone who cares about the truth would be interested in learning what type of sick demented bastards would want to sneak into an Amway brainwashing conference.

It's a joke, of course!

Because my contact, who happens to be acquainted with the son of a friend of mine, was unavailable on Friday night, Joecool and I were forced to settle for the Saturday shift instead.

What my new best buddy's job is I won't tell because he has complete access to the Bren Events Center and will not be challenged, so we tag along behind the scenes with him. After a while, he gets on the phone and walks away from us. We're backstage, but not behind the stage, and we're not in the vicinity of any of the cretins who will be taking to the stage to brainwash the populace. During the brainwashing sessions, I can hear the crowd yelling or shouting, which I believe is what they were doing. At these Amway events, it's difficult to tell. In the blink of an eye, this Amway jerk in a suit appears out of nowhere and lands right on us. He's looking right at us. Alternatively, he could have been smirking. It's a little difficult to tell with these ambots.

"Can you tell me who you are?" The Amway jerk makes his demands.

“I don't know what to say to you.” "I told you," I said.

The bastard realises he can't argue with that kind of logic, so he backs off and I never see him again. Platinum, most likely, who has been assigned to guard the hallways for rogue ambots that wish to rush the Diamonds and assure them of their eternal love and loyalty.

That's not anything I'm concerned about!

A little time later, I notice a clipboard resting on a table in a darkened room. In order to appear official, I pick it up and bring it around with me; however, I mostly keep it because it has some intriguing stuff on it that I can probably utilise at a later point. In the event that we stroll down a hallway, our contact is still with us. Keep in mind that the ambots will not be able to access this location. You must be a Diamond, or be involved in some form of indentured servitude to one, or be employed by Bren in order to participate. Must keep the riff-raff and lowly ambots out of this neighbourhood.

Then my friend pulls us aside in front of a closed door. There is a lot of yelling going on. Men. However, we are unable to hear what they are saying. Every now and then, there are angry words that come through. He really presses his ear up against the door and is laughing so hard that he is about passing out. He claims that there are three of them in the room arguing about money. Joecool believes that it is most likely the ticket sales for the function. What else do Diamonds get into fights over? Then this woman flies around the corner like a chopper. She's wearing this gown, and she'd be overdressed if she showed up at an Oscar party in this ensemble. For example, where do you believe you are? I realised what I should have done too late, but afterwards realised I should have told her that there had been a dog show here the week before and she had simply trodden in some dog faeces. If there were dogs here last week, I'm not sure, but there was certainly one standing in front of me today! With her hands on her hips and a cold gaze at us, she says, "Excuse me, I'm going in there," before walking away. Yes, she is whiny, but for some reason she doesn't seem to give a damn that we are trying to hear what is going on in the next room with her. In addition, my contact claims that he is going into the room because it sounds like a fight is taking place and he wants to make sure that no one is in harm's way. He is told to mind his own business by the b*tch. He goes in regardless, and Joecool and I are left standing there watching. We take a few steps back. Even without an outsider present, it is impossible to hear anything that is going on in there. One of those despised employees with a dreadful job title. It's almost as if it's contagious. Then he walks out, locks the door behind him and mutters something about how these people are the most fool he's ever dealt with before walking out the door.

That was about the most exciting thing that happened. I have more things, but it's Amway schlock, which isn't particularly fascinating and isn't really my thing to blog about anyhow. That was the only day we were able to get in, and we didn't intend to remain for long. I can't bear the thought of spending time someplace where ambots are present. Our original intention had been to attend on Sunday, but something came up, and that was the end of that.

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