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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Can You Get Someone Out of Amway?

 Every day, I receive readers to my blog who are looking for information on how to get someone out of Amway. Recently, I've had a few comments from folks who are looking for advice on how to pull a friend or family member out of Amway.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem of how to pull someone out of the Amway organisation. This is a nefarious cult. The Amway commissioned salespeople are conditioned to believe that they are large and important business owners, and they are given the ridiculous term of IBO, which stands for Independent Business Owner. Countless Amway meetings, where they are reportedly given business advise but are essentially brainwashing sessions, are attended by Independent Business Owners (IBOs).

And yes, I am aware of this because I was coerced into attending numerous Amway cult meetings. There is never any specific business advice given. There is no information on registering as a business, obtaining tax identification numbers, opening a business bank account, obtaining a business licence, obtaining business insurance, preparing a business plan, creating a profit and loss statement, or any of the other necessary steps. When attending Amway meetings, some "business advise" is given, such as buying from your own store and purchasing tickets to the next Amway function. People who will not support your Amway business should not be associated with you. I have a whole bunch more dumb ass "business advice" provided at Amway meetings, such as "don't dress like a slut," but I'm not going to go over them right now because I don't have time.

Oh, and let's not forget this piece of business advise that I have only heard from Amway and not from anyone else in the business world. Before you do anything or purchase anything, you must first obtain authorization from your Amway upline. !!!!! Cult, cult, and more cult, and more cult!!!!!

Because the Amway cult instructs you to forsake your family and friends, the people in Amway quickly become your sole companions and friends. They are the only ones who can be relied upon. The only individuals who have your best interests at heart are your family and friends. In order to avoid “negative” people, Amway cult leaders brainwash their members to avoid anyone who does not wish to join the Amway cult or buy their shoddy, overpriced items from them.

The Amway cult member has made some new friends and spends hours each night with them, loving and worshipping their Amway cult leader, as well as with them. It is necessary for them to purchase everything their cult leader instructs them to purchase, including premier membership to WWDB, Communikate voice mail, tickets to Amway gatherings, CDs, books, and anything else on the market that will make their upline wealthy.

A good little ambot will receive lots of praise and attention from the Amway cult leader who will then bring them up on stage at the next Scamway meeting to show them off. For bad behaviour, like as failing to show up for a meeting or not purchasing enough trash, the cult leader will punish them with a fiery sermon, followed by scorn and mocking at the following Scamway gathering.

However, how does one get someone out of Amway's clutches? Unfortunately, the only thing you can generally do is stand by and watch as the deluded ambot digs his own grave. Once they've maxed up their credit cards and depleted their bank accounts, they'll be unable to continue tithing to the great Amway deity. They are most likely facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, and possibly divorce. When people quit listening to brainwashing CDs and attending cult meetings, their minds begin to become clearer and more rational. And then they gave up. Usually, it takes less than a year, sometimes even less than two years. Anyone who stays in the Amway cult for more than a year is considered a lifer in the organisation.

I've had a few of frantic visitors post comments asking how they might get their loved one out of the house. There is no easy answer, but here are some resources that might be of assistance.

Merchants of Deception is a free ebook authored by former Emerald Eric Scheibeler, who is also the author of the book. During the interview, he discusses the brainwashing and how he only earned about $35,000/year despite the fact that he was at a level where he expected to be making at least $100,000 based on Amway propaganda and what he had heard from Diamond speakers. After investigating, he discovered that the most profitable part of the Amway business was the sale of motivational materials such as books, tapes/CDs, and speaking at events. At moments, it's a genuinely frightening read. Everything he said regarding Amway meetings was something I'd heard before as well. I wish I had been able to attend. What he described was exactly what I had gone through. And, perhaps most crucially, he explains why 99 percent of Amway Independent Business Owners will never generate money. Reading it reveals that the lies we were taught were the same lies he heard, as well as the conclusion that no matter how hard we tried to make money at Amway, it simply wasn't feasible for us to succeed.

Amway was revealed as a hoax by NBC Dateline a few years ago. In addition to covering indoctrination, they displayed scenes from arenas that depicted this cult in action. They catch IBO in the act of lying - which isn't difficult to do! They are all deceivers! This television episode features an interview with the aforementioned author, Eric Scheibeler. XE

Steve Hassan has assisted former Amway cult members as well as members of other mind control cults in their deprogramming efforts. There is a two-part interview about the Amway cult available on YouTube.

They have resources and are concerned with all pyramid schemes, not only Amway, according to Pyramid Scheme Alert.

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