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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Brainwashed Amway Defenders

 It happens every now and again, but an ambot with brainwashing comes to my blog after performing a search for Amway is amazing or an Amway function. Eventually, they read the one post that their search brought them to and write a canned Amway comment that came directly from the CD or one of their uplines. So yet, I have not received a response that is unique. The typical nonsense: quitter, lazy, didn't try hard enough, loser; keep working your job, and so on and so forth

I've already mentioned in earlier blogs that my Ambot put in at least 100 hours a month into Amway, to the point of neglecting and pushing aside everything else in his life, including his own genuine business, in order to achieve success. Reality is what it is. There is no getting around it. A large number of former IBOs have taken to the Internet to express their gratitude for the hard effort they put in - some reaching pin levels of Eagle, Platinum, and Emerald - and to complain that the money they were promised when they achieved those levels was simply not there.

Jennifer, one of my admirers, responded with a slew of questions, just as any good little defensive IBO would do in my position. If she had taken the time to read any of the other posts on my site, she would have found the answers to the questions she had posed.

Who, exactly, is the slacker now? It's a joke, of course!

Another anonymous poster from Missoula, Montana, accuses me of possessing body parts that I do not actually possess! Anna is the name of the character. That is an example of a palindrome. Whatever way you say it, it says the same thing either how you pronounce it. I've never encountered a man with the name of Anna. Is it possible that ambots have become so programmed that they can't tell the difference between a man and a woman any longer?

It is typical IBO conduct to ignore the facts and believe only what their upline says because that is always the truth, according to the brainwashed. All of the other sources are deceptive. At least, that's what the Platinum has the followers believe after they've been brainwashed.

All brainwashed ambots are welcome on my blog, and if they're of the exceptional variety who have something truly unique to say while not going on the offensive about me being lazy, unsupportive, un-Christian, didn't try hard enough, and a broke loser who will work for someone else for the rest of his or her life, then by all means, post away.

If you're a courteous ambot, I'll make every effort to be courteous to you.

The rest of you indoctrinated ambots that come here and accuse me of not supporting my spouse have only one thing to say: fuck you. But what else would I expect to hear from a brainwashed IBO in that case? Leave me a lazy ass canned Amspeak response and you can expect a few insults to be fired back at you in return.

Follow up by checking back in a couple of days to see if you've been featured in a new post.

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