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Saturday, September 11, 2021

What is Fast Track?

 Fast Track is a sham WWDB/Amway scheme designed to whip the cult's adherents into a frenzy in the hopes of making a few more dollars quickly.

It's possible that some ambots may pop here to claim that I've got Fast Track all wrong and that the criteria have changed, but I'll do my best to put it out the way our Emerald explained it to us. A cheat sheet that my Ambot used to take notes at a meeting that he also videotaped provided me with the knowledge I needed to find out more. I walked into the room because I had the recording on our computer and wanted to see if I could make any sense of it.

Nope. Typical Amway fast speak double talk designed to excite the audience while also confusing them with the facts. Alternatively, a lack of it.

At the recent Puryear Family Reunion, the topic of "Fast Track" was discussed.

If they were calling it Fast Track a few years back when we were participating in Amway, it tells you that times haven't changed much, despite the fact that the upline tries to con everyone by claiming that "exciting changes are just around the corner."

So Fast Track isn't a new concept. It ain't no thrill ride. It ain't going to change. It's the same old nonsense that they were lecturing on while we were there.

Okay, the Emerald spoke quite quickly, which served to further confuse us. Because the majority of the cult members in the room had already been indoctrinated, they were able to accept what he said with the same unconditional love and devotion that they were accustomed to.

According to the tape, this is what I heard. Several replays were required to ensure that I had the correct pronunciation. I wouldn't want the IBOFB to show up and tell me I'm incorrect about something!

And it's possible that I'm misrepresenting the facts. In the last few of years, it's possible that some Fast Track criteria have altered.

Hold on to your hats for the time being as I attempt to decipher the jargon.

The programme known as Fast Track is divided into two sections. The 50/150 phase is the initial phase of the process. The IBO is responsible for generating volume, conducting their own personal shopping, and acquiring clients. (Ha ha! That was funny.) Good luck with that, by the way!) If the IBO has at least 150 PV (in this case, $500 in Amway purchases), of which at least $50 comes from clients, the IBO will receive an additional $50 bonus.

Wow! Whooppee! What an intriguing prospect!

The Emerald then detonates the nuclear device. In order to qualify for this Fast Track programme, new IBOs must join within their first month of being in "the company." It's a bummer for all the other IBOs who have been working hard for months or even years. Take a look around the space. There are no new IBOs available. It was just the same cult members I'd seen for months on end.

But hold on a minute! The first phase hasn't come to an end yet! In the second month, the IBO must keep the same suckers, er, clients, and repeat the process in order to receive another $50 check. And then repeat the process in the third month. An additional $50/month equals a total of $150 over the course of three months.

Everybody is probably sitting on the edge of their seats, their frantic anticipation building as they await the announcement of Phase 2, because after all, the jackass Emerald stated that Fast Track had two phases.

OK. Keep your eyes peeled for it. You don't want to leave before this really essential piece of information is shared with you.

Phase 2: Demonstrate the plan to ten individuals and sign up two of them. (That's correct.) We all know how easy it is to find ten suckers to show the board plan presentation to, let alone find two of them to sign up for it.) But forget about the other two people. Make it three in a row. Sponsor three people who are capable of performing the above 50/150 tasks, and the IBO who sponsors them will receive an additional $200.

When you have found more people than the three originally indicated, the asshole Emerald spends the next five minutes or so combing over the numbers to see if there are any more.

By the end of the year, you'll have made a gazillion dollars with Amway! Yes, you are correct! Working ten to fifteen hours a week on a part-time basis in your spare time! Then you'll never have to work again in your entire life! It won't be long before you're strolling along beaches all over the world, and the residual checks will just keep flowing in forever! It gets even better from here!!! Your Amway business can be passed down to your husband, children, or whoever you choose, and they will continue to earn residual income for the rest of their life. I'm overjoyed!!! Forever and evermore, riches for the heirs and their descendants!!!

It makes you wonder if the Emerald had been smoking something amusing prior to arriving at the conference!

The term "fast track," which can also be referred to as "expedited track" or "accelerated track," is used to describe a procedure that makes it possible for a particular undertaking, such as a project or activity, to be finished more quickly than is typical. The idea of putting things on the fast track is not new; in fact, it has been around for decades and is utilized in many different professions and businesses, such as the building industry, commerce, education, and healthcare.

Fast track is a form of project delivery that is used in the construction industry. This method involves overlapping the design and construction phases of a project in order to accomplish it in a shorter amount of time overall. This strategy is implemented so that stringent deadlines may be met, as well as so that good market conditions can be taken advantage of. In order to guarantee that the project will be finished on time and without going over its allotted budget, the fast track methodology needs the construction team and the owner of the project to work closely together.

Construction projects that are moving along at a rapid pace typically call for a group of knowledgeable individuals who are capable of working together to make snap choices and adjusting to shifting conditions. This strategy could involve making use of materials that have already been prefabricated, streamlining the design, or cutting down on the number of design iterations. Projects that are being completed on an accelerated timetable necessitate meticulous scheduling, effective utilization of resources, and efficient risk management measures.

A career progression scheme that permits high-performing individuals to move through the ranks of an organization more quickly than their colleagues is referred to as a "fast track" in the business world. This strategy is utilized to maintain high-level talent, foster innovative thinking, and boost overall production. Additional training, mentoring, and increased contact with senior leadership are typical components of fast-track development programs.

There is often a lot of competition for spots in fast track programs, and employees are expected to perform at a very high level. There is a possibility that they will involve more difficult tasks, increased levels of responsibility, and an increased rate of work. In addition, strong leadership and support from top management are required for fast track programs in order to guarantee that individuals will be able to succeed and reach their desired career outcomes.

The term "fast track" comes from the world of education and refers to accelerated programs that allow students to fulfill the requirements for their degrees in a shorter amount of time than standard programs. These programs are intended for students who are highly driven and do well academically, and who wish to finish their degrees rapidly in order to begin their professions as soon as possible. In general, participants in fast track programs are required to carry a heavier course load and demonstrate a greater degree of academic performance.

Students who are interested in achieving their professional aspirations but are constrained by both time and financial constraints may find that accelerated learning programs provide a viable alternative. Students who participate in these programs may also gain specialized information and abilities that might set them apart from other applicants in today's highly competitive job market. However, there is a possibility that these accelerated programs are more difficult and call for a higher level of dedication and concentration on the part of the students.

In the context of medical care, the term "fast track" refers to a procedure that expedites the delivery of medical care to patients whose diseases are not immediately life-threatening. This strategy is utilized to cut down on patient wait times in emergency rooms and to boost overall patient satisfaction. A triage system is commonly utilized in fast track programs. This system assesses which patients need immediate medical attention and which patients can wait to see a doctor.

In order to guarantee that patients get care that is both timely and appropriate, healthcare programs that prioritize expediency require robust communication and close collaboration between the various providers of healthcare. They might also demand additional resources and staff members in order to effectively manage the higher number of patients. Patients who are in urgent need of medical attention may benefit from fast track programs; nevertheless, these programs may also involve compromises in terms of the costs incurred and the resources that are allotted.

The overarching purpose of the strategy known as "fast track" is to accomplish predetermined objectives in an abnormally shorter amount of time than is customary. Even though it has the potential to be an efficient method for accomplishing these objectives, using it does call for extensive preparation, close cooperation, and a willingness to take risks. Individuals and organizations that are prepared to commit the necessary amount of time and money in order to be successful can benefit from participating in fast track programs.

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