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Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Craigslist Ambot

 Somebody in our upline - or perhaps crossline, I'm not sure where he fell into the equation, but he was at every meeting I went to - brought a guest to an Amway meeting one night. I was not aware of this until later. A young lady who didn't appear to be quite herself. To be expected, if a prospect is dragged into an IBO meeting, she is greeted with open arms and showered with pretended interest and attention by the other IBOs in the room, as is customary. After only a few minutes of conversing with her, it became clear that she wasn't entirely present. In her mind, there was something not quite right. Is it possible that you're a high functioning autistic? She was able to hold a relatively reasonable conversation, but after only a few minutes with her, it became clear that something wasn't quite right with her. Her infirmity prevented her from driving, so the IBO who was prospecting her provided transportation to and from the meeting.

She took a seat near me, and I inquired as to how she had come to know the ambot. She informed me that she had placed an ad on Craigslist in search of companions and stimulating conversation, and that he had answered.

That took me by surprise because you never know what kind of weirdos you'll attract if you do anything like that. I'm aware that Craigslist has a personals area, but I was under the impression that it was mostly for folks searching for a date. I'm not sure if she was attempting to accomplish the same thing, but who knows.

But I get what you're saying. The ambot who had brought her to the meeting had been scanning Craigslist advertising for women with no other goal in mind than to bring them to an Amway meeting. Perhaps he was attempting to entice them into bed as well! I believe this young lady relished the company of a roomful of individuals who were delighted to lavish her with fictitious affection. What is the price to be paid? For three hours, I sat and listened to the nonsense from the Platinum.

Was she ever a part of the Amway organisation? No, not that I'm aware of. I believe I saw her at three meetings, and, strangely enough, I also saw her during Free Enterprise Days. Probably on my way out of the building to get a Starbucks or Burger King for some nutrition, I happened to notice her roaming around by herself in the foyer of the building. Fortunately, she didn't notice me, and I was able to sneak away without getting caught! That was the final time I saw her before she passed away. Clearly, her potential sponsor had provided her with transportation to FED, paid for her ticket, and then abandoned her once she had entered the venue. My curiosity would get the better of me if I stopped and chatted to her for more than a minute, and I'd end up asking her about the sleeping arrangements. When it comes to some things, it's better not to know. In any case, it's none of my business.

One of the most tragic aspects of her storey is that the ambot who had chased her on Craigslist quickly lost interest in her after meeting her and realising she wasn't entirely functional. By the second or third meeting he'd driven her to, he'd decided he didn't want to be responsible for her any longer and was looking around the room to see if anybody else might provide a ride for her. Yeah, he's exactly the kind of extremely wonderful guy you want to have in your life. Asshole! But, really, what else would you expect from a self-absorbed jerk like Ambot? However, the reality was that this young lady was only searching for somebody to hang out with for a few hours, and she lacked the mental and financial capacity to become a member of the Amway organisation. The IBO realised quickly enough that his strategy would not work and attempted to dump her, but she continued to express an interest in attending Amway meetings in order to be among other people. As a last resort, she will attend an Amway meeting if it means spending time with someone she doesn't know. Shit!

I'm not familiar with the process of placing personal advertisements on Craigslist. The Craigslist Killer is the first thing that springs to mind when I think about this. Second, as a result of the young lady's experience, the possibility of being prospected by an Amway IBO who thinks this is a nice technique to pick up recruits has now crossed my mind, due to her storey.

But what will be the final destination on Craigslist? Perhaps ambots are scouring every category and phoning people whose phone numbers have been included in their advertisements. Isn't it strange that if your cat doesn't come home after you put up an advertisement on Craig'slist and an ambot calls you to tell that someone has seen your post and you get all excited thinking he has discovered your missing cat only to find out that he is soliciting you to join Amway? Alternatively, you could post an ad asking for a boyfriend who shares your hobbies only to receive a response from some ambot pervert. Alternatively, those looking for work can put an ad on Craigslist with their résumé and qualifications, and someone will call them and tell them they would like to hire you and schedule an interview. You are overjoyed at the prospect of landing an interview and travel to the meeting, which is weirdly enough being held at Dunkin' Donuts, only to discover that it is a fraud and that an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) wants to present you the board plan.

Even though Craigslist has a warning about affiliate scammers that prey on people who place ads on their classifieds, some people may ignore all of the cautions and red flags that are waved in their face and not understand that they are being set up by a scammer.

Think for a minute, you cretinous ambots! People post valid advertisements on Craigslist in the hopes of receiving legitimate and helpful responses. They do not want to be recruited into the Amway organisation! By acting in this manner, you are just contributing to Amway's negative public image.

It really seems disturbing to me that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are stalking individuals on Craigslist. I bet some kingpin has a CD out there on how to troll for prospects on Craigslist.

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