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Saturday, September 11, 2021

People Springing Amway on them at Dinner

 A searcher came to my blog after searching for "people springing Amway on them at dinner," which led him to my blog.

That has got to be a pain in the neck!

So I conjured up a narrative in my head about this unpleasant dinner surprise.

You're sitting at home one day when a phone call comes in from pals inviting you to supper. You have no cause to suspect anything other than the fact that it is a pleasant evening get-together with friends. Spending a few hours with friends, sharing a meal and their company, and then perhaps watching a movie, going for a stroll, or engaging in some other activity are all possibilities.

You have arrived at your friend's residence. Things appear to be a little different from the last time you were there, but you are unable to put your finger on what has changed. There are photographs cut out of magazines that have been glued to the refrigerator: sports vehicles, the late Aaron Spelling's estate, the Eiffel Tower, and a cruise ship, among other things. It appears to be a little strange, but whatever. Messages scrawled on little yellow sticky notes and stuck all over the house say things like: dream, expand your business, become a millionaire in 2 to 5 years, and jobs are for losers. Stranger and stranger things are happening. When you go into the bathroom to wash your hands before supper, you will notice a little soap dispenser labelled Body Series. Even if you've never heard of the company, soap is still soap. When you squirt some on your hands, it becomes a terrible yellow brown colour and smells bad to boot. Yuck. But, hey, what can you do? Afterwards, you wash your hands and pat them dry with a towel on the countertop. All over the place, your towel is covered in fluffies, most of which are falling off onto your moist palms. You run your hands under cold water to get rid of the fluffies, and then you wipe your hands on your pants to get rid of them this time.

The host welcomes everyone to join him or her at the dinner table and inquires as to what you would like to sip on. There are two options: water or an energy drink. What the hell is going on? Every time you get together with this pair, the beverage of choice is almost always wine or beer, depending on the occasion. You choose water, and the host creates a product named Perfect Water based on your selection. He informs you of the health benefits of this wonder water, including the fact that it cures blindness, cancer, and allows quadriplegics to walk again after drinking it. The host boasts about the water's potency, which he attributes to the fact that it has been oxygenated an astounding 14 times. This appears to be weird. Surely, just once would be sufficient. You take a sip of your drink. It tastes like any other water that you might get from the tap. Not terrible, but there's nothing particularly noteworthy about it, no matter how fantastic the host thinks it is.

And, while we're on the subject of the host, what happened to your friends? They're being extra sweet and courteous tonight, which is unusual. He is dressed in a business suit, while she is dressed in a frock. What happened to a fun night out with friends? They didn't have to dress up because they were working on your behalf.

The dinner is brought to the table by the hostess from the kitchen. You're curious about what she's cooking tonight because she's a fantastic cook. Her specialties are chicken and roast beef, which she serves with baby carrots on the side, asparagus, new potatoes, and cornbread on the side. She has a serving bowl in her possession. What's on the inside is —- macaroni and cheese? Hunh? Not even the nice handmade sort like mum used to make in the casserole with freshly grated cheese and bread crumbs on top, which was a favourite of mine. Everything about this looks like one of those horrible quick dinners that come out of a box and are flavoured with cheese powder.

When you take a bite, it tastes like shit, and you know it. The macaroni is flavourless, and the cheese powder blend has a sickly sweet taste to it that does not taste like cheese at all. I would not recommend this dish. Nasty! You cram some in your mouth while wondering where the cornbread has gone missing. Alternatively, any bread will suffice. Anything to make it easier to get this meal down my throat. You're perplexed as to what went wrong with your friends, because this is so out of character for them. Perhaps they were running late tonight and made a quick pit stop at the discount basement shop, where they picked them some of those ten cent boxes of outdated macaroni and cheese to tide them over till dinner. Gross! In order to satisfy your hunger, you must stop by McDonald's on the way home to have a burger because you are refusing seconds and are ravenous. You're counting down the minutes until you can gently go, all the while believing that your friends are simply having a bad day.

Hmmm, perhaps you can make up for it during dessert. The hostess prepares a lovely red velvet cake for the occasion. Unfortunately, that isn't what will be served for dessert this evening. On a dish in front of you is a bar of chocolate that has been individually wrapped - one for each of you. Perhaps some granola bars from the local discount shack? Nope. Nutrilite chocolate protein bars are labelled on the package. Whatever. You're famished as a result of that disgusting macaroni and cheese. You may eat anything that is chocolate-flavored. You take a mouthful of the treat after ripping the wrapper off. Oh my god! Nasty! The host is grinning at you and inquires as to how you are enjoying yourself. You are the one who informs him. “It tastes like shit.” says the author. Oops, he doesn't appear to be very pleased with that review. “No, I mean it,” you assure him emphatically. It is fucking gross, and you should not buy it again. You finish the rest of the Perfect Water by swishing it down that stale snack bar and swishing it around in your mouth, attempting to get the bad taste out.

The time has come to head into the rec room and watch a DVD, but you'd rather leave and get some fast food somewhere else. Despite the fact that they have cleared the dinner plates from the table, the hosts make no attempt to get up from the dining room table. In the course of the conversation, the host informs you that they have established their own business, Internet sales, and that everything you had for dinner today can be purchased through their online store. Furthermore, the soap and towels that you used in the bathroom may be purchased from their web store.

All you can think is, holy sh*t, you're going out of business pretty soon if you continue to sell such shoddy stuff! Instead, you give them a polite nod and wish them well. They're going to need it!

But the host isn't finished yet. A brochure is produced by him as he explains that he is looking to add a few clever people to his leadership team. Your first glance at it reveals that you have previously encountered this business plan when being duped into attending a BBQ that turned out to be an Amway event in disguise. “Wait a minute, that's Amway!” The host manages to keep his surprise a secret. “No, we're World Wide Dream Builders, but we do rely on Amway to transport our items for us,” says the company.

You're still sceptical, but you decide to go through with it. I'm delighted you're not with Amway, since it's a pyramid scheme, and you'll lose a lot of money if you continue to work for them.

The host corrects you, saying, "You're wrong." “We plan to retire in the next two to five years and have residual income that will last for the rest of our lives,” says the couple. Our part-time labour of ten to fifteen hours each week in our spare time will result in our being wealthy.”

After a brief pause, you say, "Well, good luck with that."

The small devil, on the other hand, is persistent and attempts to demonstrate the strategy once more. “All you have to do is eat one food bar and drink one beverage every day and locate six other people who are willing to do the same thing as you. It is simple.”

You point out that if it were that simple, everyone would be doing it. Despite your repeated refusals, the host attempts to persuade you to consider his proposal by yapping about PV and BV, and this time he is unsuccessful. He appears to be enraged. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life as a loser who works at a job that you hate? “Don't you want to get your wife out of her work so she will never have a boss again?” says the man.

"I'm not interested in a pyramid scheme," you tell him yet again as he argues that it is not a pyramid scheme and throws about some nonsense about a 1979 FTC rule that you don't care about.

“Oh, look, it's the clock. We have to get out of here.” You hurriedly exit the building and go to McDonald's for a better supper.

You make an attempt to ask your pals around for supper a couple of weeks later, but they decline your invitation. “We're sorry, but we don't associate with anybody who aren't affiliated with Amway.”

Furthermore, you never hear from any of your buddies again.

It's finally over.

People Springing Amway on Them at Dinner: An Investigation into the Infiltration of Multi-Level Marketing into Social Settings


One example that exemplifies the intrusive nature of multi-level marketing (MLM) recruitment strategies is the practice of "springing Amway" on unsuspecting victims while they are enjoying a meal. It is a term used to describe instances in which individuals are approached or asked to social meetings under the appearance of a friendly gathering, only to find themselves subjected to a sales pitch or recruitment attempt for Amway or other multi-level marketing businesses (MLMs). The dynamics of these meetings, the motivations behind such behaviors, and the consequences on relationships and social interactions are investigated throughout this article.

Gaining an Understanding of the MLM Recruitment Strategy:

Companies that engage in multi-level marketing like Amway are primarily reliant on the recruitment of new members in order to build their networks and generate sales. Distributors of multi-level marketing products frequently utilize a variety of methods to approach potential recruits, one of which is taking advantage of social settings to present their business opportunity. One example of one of these recruitment strategies is the practice of "springing Amway" on guests while they are eating dinner.

The Processes Involved in"Springing Amway":

The utilization of social situations, such as dinner gatherings, makes advantage of the preexisting trust and familiarity among individuals, which can be capitalized on by using these settings. It's not uncommon for friends, acquaintances, or family members to extend dinner invitations to one another under the guise of "catching up," which can give the impression of genuine ease and candor.

Concealed Sales Pitch: 

Once individuals are seated at the dinner table, they may discover that they are taken aback when the conversation abruptly shifts into a sales pitch for Amway or other multi-level marketing businesses. The promotion of the MLM opportunity, with an emphasis on the possible cash rewards and lifestyle perks, takes precedence over genuine social connection as the primary focus of attention.

Emotional Manipulation:

During these encounters, MLM distributors may apply strategies of emotional manipulation in order to gain a competitive advantage. In order to generate a heightened sense of urgency and motivate consumers to join the multi-level marketing company, they may play on individuals' needs for financial security, personal progress, or a sense of community.

The Effects on Relationships and Other Aspects of Social Life:

Trust Is Challenged When someone is "sprung" with an Amway pitch during a dinner event, it might challenge the trust that exists among relationships. People could have the impression that they've been lied to or misled, which can result in a breach of trust between them and the person who initiated the interaction.

Disrupted Social Dynamics These multi-level marketing recruitment efforts have the potential to impede the natural flow of social interactions that take place at dinner get-togethers. The focus moves from having fun in the company of friends or family to being put under pressure and experiencing discomfort in an atmosphere that is focused toward sales.

Fragmented Relationships: 

When multi-level marketing (MLM) recruitment takes place within personal relationships, it can put a pressure on those connections and perhaps cause them to break down completely. The MLM recruitment attempt may cause friends or family members to feel used or betrayed, and it may eclipse the closeness that previously existed between the two parties.

An Uncomfortable Social Atmosphere The interruption of a meal to engage in multi-level marketing (MLM) recruitment can produce an uncomfortable social atmosphere and reduce one's ability to enjoy the gathering as a whole. It's possible that participants will believe they are compelled to listen to the pitch, which will create an uncomfortable atmosphere and make attendance feel uneasy.

Finding Your Way Around MLM Intrusions:

Establishing Boundaries It is necessary to set and explain personal boundaries in relation to multi-level marketing (MLM) recruitment efforts. Make it abundantly clear to your close friends and family members that you are not interested in participating in multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) and that you would rather keep the focus on genuine social interactions while attending get-togethers.

Open Communication: 

If you are at a dinner and someone tries to sell you a multi-level marketing opportunity, be honest and open about how you feel. Communicate in a calm but strong manner that you are not interested and that you would prefer for the conversation to remain focused on the reason for the gathering in the first place.

Educating Others: 

Raise awareness about the nature of multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) and the potentially intrusive recruitment tactics deployed by distributors among your friends and family members. Before committing to any multi-level marketing opportunity, you should encourage critical thinking and investigation.

Seeking Out Authentic Connections: 

Surround yourself with people who place a high value on genuine relationships and who place a higher priority on meaningful social interactions than MLM recruitment. Find communities or activities that encourage genuine connections and common interests, and participate in those.


The intrusive aspect of multi-level marketing recruitment strategies is highlighted by the behavior of persons who "spring" Amway on others while they are eating supper. MLM distributors will attempt to market their business opportunity by taking advantage of social settings, preexisting trust and familiarity, and leveraging existing relationships. This habit can put a strain on relationships, interfere with the natural flow of social interaction, and result in an unpleasant atmosphere at parties. Establishing clear limits, maintaining open lines of communication, informing those around you, and actively seeking out authentic connections are essential methods for navigating these types of circumstances and preserving genuine social interactions.

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