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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Buy Your Tickets for Free Enterprise Days. NOW!!!

 Platinum, our sack of shit, sends out an urgent message to everyone, telling them that they must get tickets for FED - Free Enterprise Days - NOW, even though it is July and FED does not take place until the following October.

The explanation for this is straightforward. It was decreed by some Diamond upline to be so!

The Diamonds' primary source of income comes from speaking engagements at Amway events. They are three months apart in age. During those three months, a lot can happen. IBOs become disappointed because they are not producing money, but they are spending a lot of money and are most likely going into debt in order to sustain their Amway addiction. It is possible that independent business owners (IBOs) will leave between Amway functions.

As a result, the Diamonds are looking to strike while the iron is hot. While IBOs are all pumped up from all of the motivational nonsense they've just sat through during Family Reunion, there's a chance that something bad will happen. They sat for the entire weekend, listening to one Ken and Barbie after another prance across the stage and boast about how much better their lives had been since accepting the great Amway god into their lives. They boast about all of their material possessions and make up stories about how they are "helping" others.

Yeah! Getting them into the poorhouse so that the upline can become even wealthier!

In order for the IBO to avoid trekking through another three months of Amway agony, you must purchase your tickets for FED today. Taking another three months' worth of Amway purchases from those destitute cretins.

As for the two of us, recall how Ambot boasted about the extra money we had brought with us so that I could go to JC Penney and purchase that skookum cappuccino machine that was on sale during a Saturday door crasher deal? Rather than me receiving the machine, we were forced to pay $250 of our money to some screwed-up IBO whose reservation had gone AWOL in the screwed-up Amway/WWDB computer system, resulting in him having to purchase another Family Reunion ticket with his own money.

His refund would be handled after they returned home, and someone from the World Wide Dream Builders office had returned to the office after taking the weekend off.

As a result, the asshole Eagle comes up with a wonderful concept that was most likely inspired by someone higher up in the organisation. Instead of giving us our $250 back, they would use it to pay for our plane tickets to Frankfurt.

Eagle, you're a jerk!

Without a doubt, Ambot is ecstatic with this development. What a bargain! Naturally, he intended to attend FED since he is a serious business builder, and he would never dare to disobey the Platinum if the Platinum ordered his cult followers to purchase tickets to the conference. We never received our $250 refund, but we did receive two tickets to Free Enterprise Days in exchange for our trouble. Wow, that's a great deal! We have to drag our a**es to yet another dreary Amway function today. Waiting for it.....

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