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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Brainwashed Ambots!

 My attention is not consumed by others who are pursuing a higher goal, contrary to popular belief.

I've been obsessed with informing others about my dissatisfaction with our Amway upline's assholes.

I've been accused of bringing down business owners because I'm too lazy to do it myself. Do you believe this? True enough, I'm a slacker in the corporate world. I'm sure there are many IBOs out there that wish they could have my level of laziness, which comes in the guise of a six-figure salary. If I wasn't so sluggish, I'd definitely be earning in the seven figures! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

It's only the fucking bastards in my upline who get knocked down by me when it comes to Amway "company owners." Instead of knocking them down because they are “owners” of a business or are attempting to better their own situation, I knock them down because they are fucking bastards. If they believe that Amway is the answer to their prayers and the path to financial independence, they have a dilemma on their hands. Pay attention to the fine print!

IBOs who have been brainwashed are the most judgmental people you will ever meet. Some people pop up on anti-Amway blogs, either by accident or on purpose, and accuse the author of passing judgement on others! Ha! Take a good look in the mirror! The majority of us have our own agendas, and they have absolutely nothing to do with you individually. If we can assist any IBOs in gaining the courage to leave Amway, that will be a positive development. Honestly, it doesn't bother me at all if an IBO decides to turn a blind eye to the horrors I've through as a result of our fucking upline's indoctrination of my spouse. It's my tale, and I'm going to tell it the way I want. Do not come here and read my blog if you do not want to hear about the misery I went through while working in Amway hell.

I particularly enjoy how brainwashed ambots blame legitimate business owners of being lethargic, despite the fact that those brainwashed ambots are too lazy to become true business owners instead of wasting their money on a fictitious business. They place their unstable future in the hands of Amway, which has a less than 1 percent chance of earning a profit in the long run. It's fantastic!

If any of these horrified IBO's come back to my site, I hope that they will gain an understanding of what it is like to be a successful business owner in the future. You have complete control over running a genuine business, including your working hours, establishing your own policies, choosing your own rates, determining your own attire in the morning, and deciding when and how long to take vacations. Visit your local library and check out books on how to start your own business to gain some inspiration and ideas. It is possible to start a firm with inexpensive start-up and operating costs in a variety of industries. Most likely, you'll be investing less money than you would if you were to invest in Amway.

It may be necessary for you ambots to seek counselling in order to overcome your negative attitudes toward people who are not affiliated with Amway as a result of the cult's influence over your thinking and behaviour. You must realise that there is absolutely nothing wrong with folks who have work. In the same way, there is nothing wrong with people who own their own enterprises that are not affiliated with the Amway Corporation. Those of you who sneer at others and look down your nose at them simply because they are not affiliated with Amway will not be successful in Amway or in anything else in which you engage in this behaviour. You might be more open to getting true knowledge on how to manage a reputable business once you've gotten that thought out of your head. Wishing you the best of luck.

Amway and our jerk of an upline are no longer causing me and my spouse any problems. Now it's my turn to turn the tables by writing a blog post exposing our terrible Amway experience, as well as the abuse we received from our upline.

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