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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Amway Ambots Hate Their Jobs and Teach Others to do the Same

 When I attended Amway meetings, one of the things I was told was how simple the company was. The only thing you had to do was consume one Amway food bar and one Amway beverage per day, and then teach others to do the same thing.

Well, it's not quite that simple because no one wants to consume awful, yummy, shitty items that are also extremely expensive to purchase. Unless, of course, they are an ambot who has been brainwashed into believing that they genuinely taste nice and are beneficial to your health. Hell. Amway snack bars do not compare to the flavour of caramel covered cardboard!

When it comes to Amway, it's all about inspiring people to accomplish the same thing you are. Duplicating your upline is a term commonly used to describe this practise.

People who had jobs were sneered at at every Scamway meeting by the sack of shit Platinum, who sneered even more. J.O.B. I'm a little over broke. Because they weren't wealthy business owners like Amway's (fake) business owners, people who were employed by others and held jobs were held in the lowest regard and regarded as second-class citizens.

Platinum said that after a couple of years in Amway, people could quit their jobs and sit back on their asses as large sums of money poured in every month as residual income.

Freedom! This is something that none of those poor suckers who were employed would ever be aware of.

Alternatively, he could be awarded the Platinum because he is still employed in a position he despises after 15 years or such. He despises his job, so he devotes his time and energy to educating others to despise their employment as well.

When the Platinum cult leader would roll his or her followers' noses into the giant shithole known as a job, the followers would scream. Making a living by doing work for someone else and getting compensated for it is called self-employment. It would continue indefinitely. How jobs are dreadful, wicked things that only lowly bastards are fortunate enough to have. People who have jobs must set their alarm clocks and get up every day in order to perform their duties under the supervision of others. And then, when they reach the age of 65, they either die or go bankrupt.

And what about the people in the room who were self-employed or had their own businesses? In most cases, Ambot was the only one present, although there were a few of other males in crossline who were possibly present at some of the Amway cult meetings we visited. That it was only people who already owned their own businesses who answered his question about how many people in the room earned 75 or 100k, which is the imaginary number you can make in Amway at Platinum or Emerald level, must have enraged bag of crap Platinum beyond measure. In order to do this, Amway Platinum must poison the minds of business owners and mock them for their choice of industry as well as how hard they work, among other things. This is known as Amway brainwashing crap.

The Platinum sneers at them, implying that they are stupid for owning another type of business while Amway is the ideal business for anyone to own. Okay, so it's a wonderful business to own for the individuals who actually control the Amway corporation, but it's not a good business to own for the commissioned salespeople Amway hires and barely pays to flog their overpriced lousy items under the bogus title of Independent Business Owner.

We saw that many of the folks who attended cult meetings were unemployed while we were in Amway. During our tenure in this hellhole cult, other IBOs were forced to find new employment.

These people had all been brainwashed into despising their occupations, despising their employers, and despising their coworkers. Having to deal with someone who shows up to work every day and despises everything about their job is not nice. Everyone in the workplace is regarded with suspicion by Ambots, who consider themselves to be a bunch of dumb fucker employees who don't run their own firm. The Amway jerk, on the other hand, does not! It is a fictitious business in which they can make a meagre $10 commission if they purchase $300 worth of Amway products every month from their own store, which is what they do. A typical employment pays $10 per hour, yet the majority of employees do not require any further purchases to obtain that $10!

The reason for this is because because ambots have been trained to become intolerant Amway assholes and they carry their shabby attitude to the workplace, they don't tend to remain around for very long. Eventually, they either depart because they don't want to continue working with these losers who aren't interested in supporting their company, or their manager gives them the old heave ho.

What happens if the ambots descended on a prospect who already has a position? They will inquire as to whether or not the individual enjoys their employment. Some people enjoy their jobs, while others despise them. It's a hit or miss proposition. I'd guess that those who are dissatisfied with their current position are seeking for another one, and they may be interested in attending a Scamway meeting to learn more about this once in a lifetime opportunity schlocky schlock. Others will maintain their position and state that they enjoy their jobs. The ambot will sneer at them, as if it were impossible for someone to enjoy their job. Afterwards, because Amway ambots are such dumb fucks, they will almost certainly make some dumb ass comment like, "Would you still do your job if you weren't compensated for it?" Uh, what do you think you're talking about, you dumb ass ambot? As soon as I don't get paid, I'm out of here like fuck you, I'm outta here! If they are not paid for their work, most people will not stay at their jobs, no matter how much they enjoy them. Not to mention that it is a violation of employment regulations almost everywhere in the world!

Not everyone shares the negative attitude that Amway ambots have instilled in them just because they are trained to despise their employment.

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