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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Who Loves/Hates their Amway Upline?

 My door was opened by a newly joined up IBO who claimed that they would never spend "crazy" amounts of money on Amway. In this piece, I discussed some of the fundamental monthly charges that each IBO must incur in order to maintain good standing with the assholes in their Amway upline. Surprisingly, such "crazy" sums were in fact quite small. IBOs would spend much more than that on Amway products and tools, and they would spend even more time praising and adoring the asses in their upline in exchange for a few fleeting moments of attention and adulation.

Moreover, this new ambot had the following to say about their upline:

My uplines are wonderful folks who are patient, never pushy, and generally wonderful people.

It's a joke, of course! Please excuse me while I go to the bathroom!!!!!!!

As a newbie, I'm sure most ambots will say something similar about their upline when they are being gushed over and love bombed.

One of the first things an Amway ambot is persuaded to do is to make a purchase of at least 100 PV in Amway items during the first month after joining the company. And, of course, each and every month after that. 100 PV is approximately $300. 100 PV = the magic number that qualifies you to obtain an Amway commission check. Purchasing 100 PV of Amway products results in a commission check in the amount of approximately $10. If you are successful in persuading any of your friends and family to purchase Amway products, you will receive a commission on those sales as well. Commission would be paid out in additional PV plus depending on whether you sold the goods to your friends at a wholesale or retail price to Amway.

What if you don't spend at least 100 PV on Amway items in a month? You will not receive your meagre Amway commission payment. Furthermore, at the end of the month, some fucking asshole in your Amway upline will call and nag you until you bring out your credit card. However, even if you have purchased at least 100 PV, some asshole farther up the Amway upline may phone and beg you to purchase more Amway nonsense because they have a "target" to accomplish that month and require the support of the cult followers to achieve whatever level they choose.

How many Amway meetings are held in a typical week? That may or may not be dependent on your upline and how many meetings they have booked, as well as what they have determined to be a meeting. Sometimes they call you into a meeting at the last minute and demand your instant presence at a coffee shop or a prospect sniping session at the grocery store, for example. There could be anywhere from 2 to 5 Amway meetings per week. On one of such nights, perhaps you have something more important to attend to and you decide to skip the meeting. Expect a phone call or a series of texts from some jerk in your Amway upline to chastise you for your actions. Prior to and following the meeting This means that your phone will be ringing and your texts will be arriving until and after midnight. If you miss a meeting, you will be punished by the jerks in your Amway upline.

Attending an Amway event out of town isn't something you want to do? What's the harm in trying? in your upline's requirements from some jackass. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that must not be missed. It was a life-altering experience. This is the most important Amway event of the year. For starters, it is prohibitively expensive. The cost of tickets, transportation, hotel, meals, and other expenses is approximately $1000, possibly more. There are a lot more worthwhile things that you can do with that $1000, such as making your mortgage payment. For starters, plan a trip to a destination that you truly want to visit. To be honest, who would really want the opportunity to travel to for an Amway brainwashing convention? I'll leave it up to the readers to fill in the gaps. Not everyone is interested in attending a Scamway gathering at a remote place in the middle of nowhere. In the event that you fail to attend an Amway function or even mention that you will not be attending, you will receive a scathing reprimand from the Amway cult leaders.

Amazing, patient, never pushy, and all-around wonderful are the people in the Amway upline right now!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Of course, when you first start working for Amway, everyone will be friendly to you. Once this is accomplished, they will begin working on brainwashing you. Otherwise, you will suffer the wrath of God from the jerks in your Amway upline if you do not learn to be an obedient ambot.

For example, as I mentioned in my response to the other thread, even Jim Jones was nice and kind to his parishioners when he first met them. He wanted to grow the People's Temple, and he realised that he could attract more members by love bombing them rather than by telling them straight up what a jerk he is from the beginning of the process. He persuaded people that by giving their money to the church, they were assisting the poor and disadvantaged, as well as curing the sick, and he received their blessings. Bringing blessings to others and assisting them. Holy fucking fuck! Our Amway upline was using those words, and they were jerks!!!! Jim Jones was a superb con artist, and the leaders of the Amway cult have taken cues from his methods. Unlike many other organisations, Jim Jones did not begin by ordering new recruits around and demanding slave labour from them. Similar to this, the jerks in our Amway upline waited a couple of months before demanding that their tasks be done around the house and that their every whim be attended to. Jim Jones used mind control to get people to relocate to Guyana, which he claimed was a paradise. Nothing different from Amway cult leaders who brainwash their followers into believing they will be living in paradise after 2 to 5 years of membership in the Amway organisation. People's Temple adherents found themselves trapped in a jungle that required extensive human labour to maintain under control, rather than in a tropical paradise as they had expected. Instead of enjoying the luxurious lifestyle promised by Amway, cult members find themselves losing money and losing their family and friends. Jim Jones persuaded his followers to consume cyanide-laced Kool Aid in order to save their lives. Those who refused to comply were shot. Ambots who do not follow the orders of their Amway cult leader are psychologically slaughtered.

With their Amway cult followers, the Amway cult leaders have a love-hate relationship. Cult leaders in the Amway organisation are to be admired and revered, but they are also to be feared. If you dare to disobey, you will face the full force of the law.

What happened to your adoring, supportive Amway upline that was gushing over you and encouraging you to become the next "leader" when you first joined the company? Once they had you brainwashed and placed you in the middle of their twisted love/hate relationship in order to keep you under control, their true colours emerged on the scene.

Amway guys at the top of the organisation are the most fucked up two-faced phonies on the planet!

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