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Sunday, September 5, 2021

10 Warning Signs of a Dangerous Amway Leader

 Recently, I've received a large number of visitors to this post, so I decided that it would be a good time to bring it back up for any new readers who might have missed it.

A portion of the Rick Ross web site is reproduced below. The original can be located at this location.

This page is well worth your time to read. In addition to warning indicators of a leader, the document contains a list of warning signs that people may be connected with a potentially harmful figure. It's worth noting that there is also a list of ten characteristics of a safe leader. It's a joke, of course! Nothing can be stated about our old sack of shit Platinum that is not on the safe list! He is the polar opposite of you!

Rick Ross's list is titled "Ten warning signals of a possibly harmful group/leader," but it might equally well be titled "Ten warning signs of a dangerous Amway leader," which would be more accurate. Rick Ross's warning indicators are represented by the comments in black. My remarks are highlighted in red. You've got it. The colour red serves as a warning of impending danger.

1. Absolute authoritarianism in the absence of any form of real accountability This was largely made plain to me by our sack of shit Platinum, who spoke more than any other speaker, including Emerald and Diamond, in my opinion. He insisted that everyone in his downline "ask permission" before doing anything before doing anything. We are constantly reminded to "submit to upline" and never to dispute upline's authority.

Questioning or critical inquiry is not tolerated in this environment. “Never, ever question your upline! Who do you think you are, asking me such a personal question? It is true that everything I say is true!”

A significant financial transparency of the budget and expenses, such as an independently audited financial statement, is not provided. 3. He never provided us his budget, profit and loss statement, tax returns, or other financial records, even though he demanded to view all of ours. He was a jackass.

4. A irrational fear of the outer world, such as an imminent disaster, malevolent schemes, or persecution. Every every day! What else is there to choose from except Amway? Everyone's prayers have been answered. You will have financial security for the rest of your days. The rest of the world is bound to have a job and to work for someone else's company. With all the talk of doom and gloom about businesses closing and social security not being there when you retire, there is nothing but negativity at Amway meetings.

5. There are no legitimate reasons to quit, and former followers are always mistaken in their decisions to leave, as well as bad or even wicked. Quitters, losers, broke losers, negative, dream stealers, and other such descriptors characterise those who leave Amway. There is nothing but insults directed at people who have left Amway, and current IBOs are not permitted to associate with them any longer.

6. Former members frequently recount the same accounts of abuse and have issues that follow a similar pattern of occurrences. There are a slew of our stories all over the Internet. They all have the same storey: upline abuse, indoctrination, financial losses, foreclosures, bankruptcy, emotional distress, divorce, estrangement from friends and family.....

7. There are records, books, news stories, or television programmes that document the abuses perpetrated by the group or by its leader. Again, there are blogs written by former IBOs that can be found all over the Internet. NBC's Dateline aired an investigation. A large number of former Amway cult members have written books. Amway has a long history of abuse from the top down, as well as the destruction of lives as a result of their products.

8. Followers have the impression that they will never be "good enough." A good illustration of this was the attempt our WWDB organisation made to sell Amway things during the Christmas season, which included renting a community hall for the occasion. Ambot had a number of pals show up, and one of them made a purchasing decision. As soon as it was done, the Platinum featured Ambot, who had expected to be praised, but instead was ridiculed for the fact that only one of his buddies purchased Amway items, implying that they weren't his actual friends after all. Platinum would reprimand, scold, and berate her, and then she would respond with the words "but we still love you." It was a never-ending circle of abuse.

9. The majority of the time, the group/leader is correct. Platinum, the sack of dung, always gets it right. He even admitted to us once that his wife never wins an argument with him because he always has the upper hand because he is always right. Oh my goodness, this is one of the most important factors in a successful marriage. That is, according to the leaders of the Amway cult.

10. The group/leader is the only means of discovering "truth" or gaining validation; no other method of discovery is truly acceptable or credible. 11. It's all about maintaining control over information. Our Platinum desired to have complete control over the information that the IBOs received. Members of the Platinum Cult are brainwashed into believing that the Platinum is always telling the truth. As a result, he advised IBOs not to listen to or read the news because it was inaccurate and could not be trusted, whereas he would always speak the truth. For the Platinum, it is far easier to discredit an information source than it is to debate the truth. By exerting control over the information, the Platinum eliminates the IBO's ability to think for himself or herself. Sleep deprivation also aids the cult leader in his efforts to brainwash his followers. Keeping IBOs awake until 1 or 2 or 3 a.m., when they are so exhausted that they are inclined to accept that everything they hear at that hour is true is a common practise.

We can clearly see it today, without a doubt. I'd say this occurred to me within a month of becoming acquainted with the Platinum and becoming interested in Amway. It's a shame for the bastard that I wasn't willing to sip the Kool Aid. As if we needed any more evidence that Amway's top executives used cult techniques to brainwash their subordinates.

Then these same cult leaders declare that Amway is not a cult. Is this true? Deny, deny, and more denial. Lie, lie, and more lie. That is the key to achieving success in Amway.

I'll simply send out a big giant fuck you to everyone in our upline as a follow-up to this.

It is crucial for you, as an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), to be aware of the warning indicators that may indicate an unethical or dangerous Amway leader. Here is a list of ten warning signals to keep an eye out for:

Behavior that is pushy and aggressive: This could be a warning sign if a leader is actively recruiting new Independent Business Owners or forcing you to make purchases. A good leader ought to be someone who encourages and directs their followers while never making them feel uncomfortable or under pressure.

Be wary of leaders who try to convince you that success can be achieved quickly and easily by following their advice. Developing a profitable Amway business requires investment of time, energy, and commitment.

If a leader is more concerned with recruiting new Independent Business Owners (IBOs) rather than boosting product sales, this may be an indication that the business is a pyramid scheme.

Encouragement to make excessive financial outlays: A harmful leader could persuade you to make financial investments that are above your means, such as purchasing goods in large quantities or enrolling in pricey educational programs.

Putting an emphasis on the value of "loyalty": A leader who places an emphasis on the value of loyalty to the Amway business or their team above all else may be attempting to manipulate and exert control over you.

Absence of transparency A leader who is not transparent about their own success or the success of their team may be concealing unethical acts or poor performance on their part or the part of their team.

Attending Amway events can be useful for your business; but, if a leader is forcing you to attend expensive events that you are unable to pay for, this could be a warning flag. Attending Amway events can be beneficial for your business.

Refusal to answer questions or dismissal of concerns may be an indication of dishonesty or a lack of openness on the part of a leader. If a leader refuses to answer your questions or dismisses your worries, this may be a sign that they are not being transparent.

In the Amway industry, a dangerous leader can encourage you to have excessive expectations about the amount of money you could make or the level of success you could attain if you join the company.

If a leader promotes a cult-like culture within their team, with severe rules and expectations, this could be a warning sign of a harmful group mindset. If a leader promotes a cult-like atmosphere within their team, with strict rules and expectations.

In conclusion, although there are many successful and ethical leaders working within the Amway industry, it is essential to be aware of warning indicators that may suggest a harmful or unethical leader in order to protect yourself and your business. In the event that you notice any of these red flags, it is imperative that you listen to your gut instincts and contemplate getting guidance from reliable sources that are a part of the Amway community.

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