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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Quacks

 When an Independent Business Owner (IBO) joins Amway as a commissioned sales representative, they automatically become a professional authority on everything.

Everything, to be sure. College degrees are a waste of time. You can become an expert by subscribing to Amway for a few hundred dollars a year and become a card-carrying asshole. That is merely the cost of membership. This does not include the tens of thousands of dollars you must spend to keep your Amway upline satisfied.

The Amway ambots that are offering medical advice are the most frightening. Their "patients" suffer from a variety of illnesses, and because the ambot is affiliated with Amway, they are now considered medical professionals who are capable of treating and curing these illnesses.

The comments that have been left and the questions that have been posed are really concerning. Patients with fatal illnesses are being told by Amway ambots that Amway products would heal whatever ails them, and patients are seeking the Internet to verify the promises made by these Amway quacks.

Ambot and I took one of those weekend first aid courses 25 years ago, making us the most medically trained professionals in our field of business at the time. This is in addition to the fact that we have watched virtually every medical drama on television. Every ambot in our group would call for medical guidance at the same time. Look, for Christ's sake, go see a genuine doctor. While this was sometimes the case, people continued to seek our advice since we were more competent than highly trained doctors due to our affiliation with Amway.

My first aid training, which I received many years ago, consisted of learning how to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre, CPR, and apply bandages. Please do not seek medical advice from me. If you've got a splinter in your finger, I'm likely to be able to help. If you have cancer, I am not going to recommend that you take Amway snake oil in hopes of finding a magical cure. But that's because I'm a good person with strong morals who doesn't lie. In order to obtain payment for the bogus medical advice they provide, an Amway quack stationed at the entrance to hell will lie in order to obtain your money.

Amway ambots are completely devoid of morals. This group of Amway quacks has no difficulty delivering incorrect medical advice while claiming to have received a medical degree from Amway University because they are solely interested in making a profit.

Amway ambots are quick to make fun of doctors who have actually gone to medical school and earned their degrees in the field. What a waste of money when it's so much less expensive to become an Amway charlatan instead.

Additionally, Amway quacks make use of a BS line about how you would rather consult your friend for surgery advice than a real surgeon. It is more more common for Ambots to avoid seeing surgeons altogether, instead turning to their Amway quack friends for surgery and medical advice. Ambots seek medical advice from Amway quacks rather than qualified doctors who have gone from medical school and have a degree in their field of expertise.

Amway ambots are well-versed in their fields. They could be an Amway quack today, dispensing medical advice, and an ambulance chaser tomorrow, dispensing legal counsel.

“Dr. Quack has been summoned. Dr. Quack has been summoned. “Amway has reached out to me.”

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