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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Getting Prospected By An Amway Ambot Part 1

 A reader describes his experience with Ambots and how they follow the Amway script. Thank you very much!

The following person was referred to me by one of my Facebook friends (a man who went to my high school with me and is now attending the same university as me; we haven't been particularly close, but he's a trustworthy guy) around one month ago:

"It's a business possibility that I recently learned about. I'm collaborating with some successful entrepreneurs to help them grow their businesses. If I can't say anything for certain, then I wanted to at least put it out there to see if you were interested in exploring various income opportunities."

That was the message that I received. I was apprehensive, especially because he was working with people whom I had never met before; but, I trust him and have known him for a long time, which helped to alleviate some of my concerns a little. Earlier this week, I was persuaded to participate in a three-way phone conference with him and his "senior business adviser" (which is code for "upline!"), with the specifics of the call being extremely hazy. "I'm currently putting together a set of collaborations... It's difficult to explain over the phone... but it's entirely conceivable to earn thousands of dollars per month." The fact that I was warned "don't talk about this with your family or friends yet, you aren't informed enough and would lose credibility that you may use to expand your business in the future" was the thing that frightened me the most.

Everything about the phone call raised red flags, so I decided to conduct further investigation. I was able to locate the Facebook profile of the upline guy, and it wasn't long before I understood that everything was a ruse for Amway. I had never heard of Amway before (and was even more doubtful when I realised that it was evident what business it was, although he made no mention of it during the phone call), so I spent the better part of last night doing some preliminary research on the company. This is quite frightening! You'd think that folks would learn to do their homework on what they're getting themselves into before committing and attempting to recruit others. This has happened to another person I know, and he or she still appears to be in the deluded stage of believing that success is still attainable. No one appears to be aware that the market is extremely oversaturated and that it will continue to expand.

As a result of our conversation, they persuaded me to attend a meeting on campus tonight, which I intend to do just to hear how much bullcrap is being spewted and how similar it actually is to what I've read. However, I will not be falling for this con because there is no place for new success in this situation. This is something I would like to avoid causing rifts with the individuals I know, but they appear to be quite enthusiastic about selling this concept. I'm going to ask a few questions about multi-level marketing, taxes associated with it, how many people I'll need in my downline to make a profit, and I'm looking forward to hearing the answers. I anticipate that there will be a great deal of peer pressure, but I intend to resist it to the fullest extent possible. These guys use their language and communication abilities (the guy on the phone yesterday kept attempting to relate to me on a personal level, which was a brilliant approach) to utterly brainwash others into believing whatever they say.

Keep an eye out for more information. What exactly transpired at the Scamway gathering?PS: We all know it was in accordance with the old Amway scripture!

Part 1: An Overview of Amway and the Prospecting Industry

Amway is a term that is frequently mentioned in the context of the field of multi-level marketing (MLM). One of the largest and most well-known multi-level marketing (MLM) firms in the world is called Amway, which is an acronym for the American Way. Amway is a multi-level marketing company that was established in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Since its inception, Amway has expanded to become a dominant force in the direct selling sector on a global scale, and it now provides a diverse selection of goods in categories such as health and wellness, beauty, and home care.

Independent distributors, also known as Amway Business Owners (ABOs), are an integral part of Amway's business strategy. These individuals are responsible for promoting and selling the company's products to end users. These distributors act as entrepreneurs, trying to establish their own business networks and earning commissions based on the combined sales volume of their own downline as well as their own sales volume.

The emphasis that Amway places on prospecting is a noteworthy component of the business strategy that the company employs. The process of finding new customers or distributors who might be interested in being a part of the Amway business opportunity and then contacting them is known as prospecting. The terms "Amway Ambot" and "Amway robot" are terms that are frequently used to refer to Amway distributors who engage in aggressive prospecting strategies. In this two-part article, we will discuss what it's like to be approached by an Amway Ambot about becoming a distributor for the company.

The first part of this series will focus on the very first contact that you have with an Amway distributor, as well as the strategies that these individuals use to capture your interest and bring you into their network. The second part of this series will concentrate on the reality, difficulties, and commitments involved in becoming an Amway distributor.

Let's set the stage: you're going about your day-to-day activities when all of a sudden, you receive a message or a call from someone you just tangentially recognize or have never encountered before. They are cordial, ebullient, and appear to be genuinely interested in keeping up with one another. Nevertheless, as the discussion continues, you begin to detect a change in the tone of the other person's voice. The topic of discussion shifts away from more personal topics to one that is more focused on an exciting possibility that they want to discuss with you. This is the very first time you have come across an Amway Ambot.

Amway Ambots have received extensive training to perfect their methodology. They frequently use a variety of techniques, including social engineering, persuasion strategies, and emotional appeal, to make their offer appear to be impossible to refuse. The following is a list of popular methods that they might use to hook you in:

Developing a connection with you is most likely where the dialogue will begin when the Amway Ambot interacts with you for the first time. They can bring up past experiences or common hobbies, or they might inquire about your family and personal life. They want to make you feel at ease and receptive to what they have to say by developing a relationship with you that is warm and personable and draws on common experiences.

Invitations that are not entirely clear The Amway Ambot could invite you to a gathering or an event using language that is not entirely clear, without explaining the reason for the invitation. They might say something along the lines of, "I have something incredible to show you that has the potential to alter the course of your life." Are you interested in investigating potential new avenues?" They want to stimulate your interest and make you more eager to go by giving you reasons to be curious and suspicious about something.

Emotional blackmail: Amway Ambots are experts at pulling on heartstrings and manipulating people's emotions. It's possible that they'll share their own personal stories of triumph, financial hardship, or profound personal growth. They do this by appealing to your feelings in order to make you empathize with their experience and to inspire you to want a similar ending in your own life. Their narratives frequently center on the accomplishment of goals such as gaining financial independence, devoting more time to family, or leading an abundant life.

Amway Ambots frequently show a glossy way of life as a result of their involvement in the business as a way to demonstrate their level of success. As a sign of the wealth and success they've attained through Amway, they can brag about taking extravagant vacations, driving costly automobiles, or owning showy items. These illustrations of financial wealth are presented to you with the purpose of motivating you to aspire to a lifestyle that is like to theirs.

Ambots have a tendency to minimize the dangers involved in the Amway opportunity when they talk about it.

consideration should be given to the possible dangers and difficulties involved. They emphasize the potentially limitless earning possibilities, the adaptability of working hours, and the opportunity to be your own boss. They hope that by concentrating on the positives, they can silence any reservations or questions that you might have.

Love bombing is a form of psychological manipulation that consists of lavishing an individual with an excessive amount of affection, attention, and flattery in order to produce a sense of indebtedness and responsibility. It's possible that Amway Ambots will apply this strategy by lavishing praise on your characteristics, intelligence, or potential in an effort to make you feel appreciated and special. Because of this manipulation of emotions, it is more difficult to reject their argument.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all Amway distributors engage in these strategies, and that some of them may actually have a sincere belief in the opportunity they are presenting to potential customers. However, similar tactics are commonly utilized in the multi-level marketing sector, including Amway, and they can be put to use in order to bring in new distributors for the network.

In the second part of this series, we will discuss what happens if you decide to invest more time and energy into the Amway business opportunity, as well as the potential obstacles you may face along the way. In this lesson, we're going to take a look at the fundamentals of developing a successful Amway business, including the company's organizational structure, goods, and compensation plan. Keep up with the latest information as it becomes available regarding the Amway Ambots universe.

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