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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Diamonds Are Broke

 According to Amway literature, Amway Diamonds earn approximately $150,000 each year..

The morons in your Amway upline claim that Amway Diamonds make millions of dollars every year!

150 thousand dollars is not a bad income. People can have a great house and nice cars, as well as go on a couple of holidays and save some money, if they are careful with their money and how they spend it.

Some Amway diamonds derive the majority of their revenue from speaking engagements at Amway events. That is where the money is — in the sale of tickets. Selling CDs of themselves bullshitting the crowd with their "motivational teaching" was another aspect of their business. Laugh out loud, laugh out loud!!! Not all diamonds are on the preferred speaking list, thus some receive more money than others. However, a diamond could earn several thousand or tens of thousands of dollars more per year if they are on the preferred speaking list. It all depends on where they are in the process of getting a greater slice of the pie. And diamonds aren't going to last forever. Many people fade off the radar because they were unable to continue to push their downline into buying buy purchase.

According to Amway's literature, an Amway Diamond is in the same ballpark as our annual revenue. Despite the fact that I am extremely frugal with my money, I keep having these Amway morons popping up here and writing comments claiming that I am broke. So, according to Amway ambot logic, if I'm out of money, Amway Diamonds are also out of money. We are all broke, and our combined incomes are roughly 150k. The way an indoctrinated Amway jerk thinks is as follows: That is an insufficient sum of money! Greed is supreme! According to the Amway IBOs in your downline, you're a broke loser who fucks up your Amway Diamond business!

If you are careful with your spending, you can maintain a respectable standard of living on this salary. They appear to live beyond their means, according on what I've seen of Amway Diamonds. They reportedly spend millions of dollars on mansions, a fleet of sports cars, and first-class flights to exotic destinations on multiple occasions each year, all of which is allegedly paid for in cash.

That kind of lifestyle is simply not achievable on a budget of 150k without incurring significant debt.

Aside from that, there have been stories of Diamonds going into bankruptcy. Consider the following scenario: If you paid cash for your home, there would be no mortgage and hence no way for a bank to foreclose. What about Diamonds, which is insolvent? No. Can it be that Diamonds who pay in whole and do not use loans or credit cards can go bankrupt? Do you think it is possible that Diamonds are telling lies about paying in cash for everything? It's easy to see Amway jerks reading this and throwing their arms up in the air and yelling "NO NO NO!!!" You're a liar, you broke loser, and you know it.

To fool ambots into what is considered a Diamond lifestyle, they would have to be living on credit. On a salary that is in the low six figures, it is impossible to live a billionaire lifestyle. Amway is all about pretending to be successful until you are successful. All of Amway's business is based on borrowing money. Amway is all about deceiving others into believing that you are wealthier than you actually are, and generating a lot of money doing so while doing so.

It's not difficult to figure out why Amway diamonds are in financial trouble.

It's only those fucking little Amway bastards that come to this site to claim that I'm bankrupt, despite the fact that, unlike their beloved Amway Diamonds, I've never had to file for bankruptcy or had my house foreclosed on. I've never even received a phone call from a collection agency. Despite the fact that I have a great credit rating, those fucking Amway morons who read my blog falsely accuse me of being bankrupt.

In other words, they blame someone in the same salary range as a Diamond of being broke, demonstrating their disdain for Amway diamonds who are in financial difficulty! Fortunately, I don't have Diamond-sized expenses, and I'm fairly good at budgeting and money management. Consequently, if these fucking Amway jerks believe I'm bankrupt, they're putting Amway Diamonds in the same boat as I am. The same amount of money. The same thing happened.

Amway's asshole logic is messed up!

As for Amway Scamway and its scammer army of Ambots, let us just send another big old FUCK YOU out to them from marriedtoanambot.

Within the framework of Amway's compensation structure, the "Diamond" title denotes the pinnacle of success that may be attained by an individual. It is a highly desired position that only a select few Amway distributors will ever achieve, and it is the position that reflects the highest level of achievement inside the business. Many people, however, have questioned whether or not these Amway Diamonds distributors are actually affluent or are simply putting on a front of being such. This is despite the fact that Amway Diamonds is surrounded by an air of success and financial freedom.

The assertion that Amway Diamonds are financially strapped is one of the company's most frequently voiced complaints. Even though these distributors may present a glitzy image of prosperity, complete with lavish vacations, showy jewelry, and bright cars, there are many who believe that this is all an illusion. It is reported that a lot of Diamonds are in serious financial trouble because they put a lot of money into their Amway businesses but got very little in return for their efforts.

Some people believe that Amway's compensation structure is skewed in favor of the firm and its most successful distributors, to the detriment of the bulk of the company's customers and members. The vast majority of people who become Amway distributors never even get close to reaching the Diamond level, and as a result, they are forced to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, while those at the very top of the company continue to rake in the profits. Because of this, some people are beginning to wonder whether Amway is really a legitimate business opportunity or whether it is just a camouflage for a pyramid scheme.

Amway Diamonds is sometimes accused of being hypocritical in the manner that they do their business, which is another accusation leveled against the company. Some people believe that these distributors are taking advantage of their team members, despite the fact that they may extol the characteristics of perseverance, dedication, and hard work to their downline. Under the premise of assisting them in achieving financial success, a number of Diamonds have been accused of exerting undue influence over their downlines, encouraging them to purchase Amway products and participate in pricey training events.

In spite of these concerns, a significant number of Amway Diamonds continue to defend the firm and the pay model it utilizes. They contend that one can attain financial freedom and independence through their Amway business, despite the fact that achieving success may not be an easy task for those who are prepared to put in the necessary time and work. They argue that the numerous success stories of Amway distributors who have achieved the Diamond level or above serve as proof that the Amway system is effective by pointing out the fact that these individuals serve as proof that the Amway system works.

In the end, the question of whether Amway Diamonds are actually wealthy or simply broke is a difficult one to answer decisively since it is a complicated one. Although there are undoubtedly a great number of examples of successful Amway Diamonds who have accomplished financial freedom and independence, there are also a great number of Amway Diamonds who, despite their seeming success, struggle to make ends meet. It is up to each person to assess the opportunities and drawbacks presented by the Amway system, as is the case with any other type of business venture, and determine for themselves whether or not to pursue participation in the opportunity.

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