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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Get Fired From Your Own Business

 Is there anywhere else in the world where you can "own your own business" and still get fired, aside from Amway?

We are the owners of our own company. We own the land on which the shop is located. There was no one else involved. We did not give over our lives to anyone in order to start our own business. We are the ones who set the rules and policies. We make the decisions about what is for sale and how much it will cost. The hours of operation are determined by us. We make the decision of who will work for us. We do not require our employers to compensate us for our time spent here. When the time comes that we no longer want to be involved in the operation of our company, we will sell it. At the very least, we hope to sell our shop at the same time. If this is not the case, the building can be purchased individually. You can imagine what it's like to be a business owner in this situation. Make the decision about when and how you want to leave the house on your own terms.

We are the owners of our company. No one has the authority to fire us.

In Scamway, independent business owners (IBOs) are misled into believing they "own their own business." And where else can you start your own business for less than fifty dollars? Alternatively, you can save $150 by purchasing a kit of shitty Amway products at the time of registration. And I'm simply throwing those dollar amounts around for fun. I'm not sure what the current fee is for joining the Amway cult and giving your life over to them is. It might have been possible to raise a few dollars. And that $50 must be paid to Scamway on an annual basis if you wish to maintain your status as "owner of your own business."

People who own their own business and the actual estate on which it is located are not required to pay any kind of annual fee for the privilege of being in business for themselves.

Someone who runs their own business and someone who pays to be a member of a shopping club are two very different things, according to this description.

When signing your life away to the Amway cult in order to "own your own business," an IBO must also sign a commissioned salesperson agreement that the upline deceives them into believing is "owning your own business." This agreement grants the cult follower the title of IBO (Independent Business Owner) as part of the agreement. A fake ass title does not make you any more legitimate in the eyes of the law than any other business owner. Amway has a slew of standards that independent company owners (IBOs) are required to follow as part of the guidelines of "having your own business."

People who own their own businesses do not have to sign any documents or follow any rules established by others in order to do so.

When Amway decides to terminate the employment of an IBO commissioned salesperson for whatever reason, they are terminated. They've been thrown to the wolves. It's a tough shit. You're no longer welcome here!

What the fuck is going on? How is it possible to get fired if you "own your own business"?

You can't do it! And that is what distinguishes authentic business owners who own legitimate enterprises situated on legitimate land from Amway commissioned marketers who don't own a shred of property of their own.

The yapping about Amway and their A+ rating or triple A rating or whatever the fuck it is with the Better Business Bureau is one of the ways I see a lot of IBOs violating Amway's conditions of conduct. Amway's code of conduct states that independent business owners (IBOs) are not permitted to do so since it is untrue. What if you get fired for breaking corporate policy? Isn't that a disciplinary offence? The ambots aren't deterred by this. Ambots are continuously leaving negative comments on my blog against Amway and the BBB rating. Every Scamway conference we attended, the morons in our upline braggadocioed about the BBB as if anyone cared a crap about the BBB or anything. If a complaint is submitted with the Better Business Bureau and the company that is being complained about replies to the BBB before the deadline, even if the response does not satisfy the complainant, the BBB gives the company a positive rating, according to the Better Business Bureau. That is all there is to it. Someone in customer service has a good track record of responding to mail before the BBB's cutoff timeframe. A full-time post for someone in Amway's "I don't give a damn" department is most likely available.

Amway terminated our previous Platinum representative. Perhaps Amway received enough complaints about his bragging about Amway's BBB rating that someone became weary of dealing with complaints about him all of the time and showed him the fuck you, you're outta here door, as he had done previously.

Low-level IBOs are fired on a much more frequent basis than we will ever know about. Diamonds who are dismissed from Amway are the only ones that make the news. Achieving Diamond status is something that IBOs aspire for since the liars in their upline promise them that they would make millions of dollars every year, despite the fact that Amway's literature states that the average Diamond earns around $150,000. In order to keep IBOs coming in and signing up, Amway cult leaders must tell them lies about how much money they will make as a "business owner." I believe that Scamway may have committed another potentially dismissible violation by misrepresenting about his or her income. If Amway fired every Independent Business Owner (IBO) who lied about income, they would have no one left!!!

Platinum is another another level that IBOs seek to achieve throughout their careers. On the road to becoming a Diamond, this is the first big level they will reach.

Amway has the authority to fire Diamonds and any other Independent Business Owners at will. Well, so much for starting your own business.

There are more profitable enterprises that you can own. Own it, dude. It is a place where you do not have to live in dread of being fired because you are a business owner or because you run your own firm. Amway is the only company that does this. The majority of true business owners who operate genuine, legal enterprises do not spend their time worried about being fired.

Yes, you should be sacked from your own company. Freedom!

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