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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Upline – Card Carrying Annoying Assholes

 Here’s a message I received from someone who is not in Amway but has a friend indoctrinated by the cult. He or she has been treated to enough ambots and Amway nonsense that they have an outstanding view of this shitty business prospect without needing to belong to this pricey social club. PS you’re really kind calling the upline obnoxious. Amway upline are the biggest lying scamming fucking assholes I’ve ever came across in my life. Shit unsettling troublemaking bastards whose sole pleasure in life comes from destroying other people’s lives. This person’s friend stays in even after being humiliated by the piece of shit platinum and being called a loser and being ordered to leave the cult meeting because the sack of shit doesn’t want to waste time on her. This is all part of the bullying people get in Scamway. This was a method utilised by our sack of shit platinum too. Punish and love. Typical cult leader scheme. I’d even go as far as saying this is our sack of crap Platinum only that fucker got the old heave ho from Amway last year and they canned his ass out of there. Just goes to prove that everyone’s Amway upline acts precisely the same. They all replicate each other to be the best Amway bastards they can be.

My one friend is in this thing, with the most obnoxious upline I’ve ever come across. This guy tells me I’m throwing my life away working for other people, instead of using my talents to work for myself! I enjoy my job and don't consider it to be a waste of my precious time. He tries to be kind and pleasant when he is with me and other friends of ours, but he is relentless in his attempts to force this amway nonsense down our throats at every opportunity.

We went out for coffee with a friend the other day, and she is not the type of salesperson that these men are; she is calm and pleasant, and she is not interested in doing the recruiting thing. She simply wants to sell things because she has always enjoyed working in the sales industry! She invites this gentleman over and introduces us all to him. Then he begins to talk about what wonderful friends we are to her and how much potential we would have in our life if we all worked together with her on this 'billion-dollar' enterprise together. "Where do you work, are there any things you want to do...that you think you won't be able to do right now, would you pay for college in cash if you had the opportunity, do you see yourself as someone influential someday soon, and you know, I think all of you have something no one else does, and you know-I have the opportunity of a lifetime if you're willing to giv..."

It was at that time that several of the others in our group fled because we were under the impression that it was a get-together of only our friends, and not HIM! We both know he puts pressure on her; in fact, she has told me that he occasionally puts her on the spot in front of everyone in meetings and gatherings because she does not want to recruit. The fact that he humiliates her and bashes her from the platform, telling the audience that she wants to live in poverty her entire life. She once called me crying, telling me that he had excused her from the group before the core-meeting IBO's at 12:00am, telling the entire group that he would not waste the group's valuable time trying to pull her out of her rut because she doesn't want to be a winner because she doesn't want to be a winner because she doesn't want to be a winner because she doesn't want to be a winner because she doesn't want to be a winner because she

One of the most recent things she shared with me was that he informed everyone at a Tuesday meeting that we (her pals) were to blame because we are nasty 9-5'ers who believe in self-slavery and encourage family-hatred. I begged her to quit doing this amway thing, but she insisted that she only wanted to sell the items. I informed her that she could simply join another firm and sell something else. I simply despise these amway people and pray that they all succumb to cancer someplace, and I sometimes wonder how she can be so naive!

Oh, thank you for your site, Anna; I enjoy reading your posts. =)

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