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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Ambot Claims Billions To Be Made

 My blog was visited by an Amway ambot who left a remark on a post in which there is a link to the top 50 cosmetics companies in the world. After taking a look, the Ambots become alarmed when they discover that Amway Artistry is not on the list. This is partly attributable to the fact that it is a closed market for sales. The vast majority of clients are Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), and in order to purchase, you must either be a member of the Amway buying club or know someone who is and purchase from them. The rest of the world can get their cosmetics in stores that are more easily available in their home countries. But, hey, who cares? Here's an example of a comment that was left:

Who is to state that I am an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO)? Upon coming across this page while conducting research on Artistry products, I was appalled at how harsh some people could be. Even if Amway isn't your thing, it doesn't rule out the possibility that it will work for someone else. Even yesterday evening, I was having dinner with my partner and a couple who had been a part of Amway for over twenty-five years. Their annual revenue is in the billions. It's all from Amway, of course.

Upon which I replied with something to the effect of – Billions! – Wow, there are Amway Independent Business Owners who make more money than Oprah!

Now is a terrific time for everyone to enjoy a good chuckle.

Remember that Forbes list with the rich families and the stories of how they became billionaires? It appears that whoever it is that this multi-billionaire Amway seller is entertaining at his dinner parties did not make the cut. LOL! Ha ha ha!!! That was hilarious!!!

Let's start with the part where he – and yes, it is most likely a he – asks, "How do you know I'm an Amway IBO?" Let's see what happens. LIAR. That's the huge clue, right there. How do you tell whether someone in Amway is telling the truth? When their lips are moving, they are talking! If you're on the Internet, you can see them when they're typing. Amway ambots are the only ones who are interested in learning more about Artistry products. No one else on the face of the planet is interested in Amway cosmetics!

Let's get to the fun stuff, shall we? Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can make billions of dollars!!! Wow! Holy god, that number has gone WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Oh, my God, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!!!!

What a complete moron! What can you say, that pretty well sums up the Amway fleet, don't you think? In that Forbes billionaires list, the VanAndel family was recognised as billionaires, but DeVos was left off the list, and no Amway sellers were featured. I have no idea what kind of investments Amway's owners have made over the years, but VanAndel appears to have done a better job than they did in order to make it onto the billionaire list. And it isn't just Amway's money that has propelled him to billionaire status. In contrast to the dinner hosts that the enraged scambot above is familiar with! Continue reading: the dinner hosts earn BILLIONS of dollars a year only from Amway. Even VanAndel would have struggled to accomplish this! LOL!!!!!

Apparently, there is an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) roaming around out there that makes billions only through Amway, has circumvented the DeVos family to become Amway billionaires, and the media engine at Amway isn't blowing this up their asses so that everyone in the world knows about it?

And is it likely that a millionaire will ask some humble IBO to dinner? That's the equivalent of giving someone a pity fuck!

So, who exactly are these enigmatic Amway billionaires? The identity of the person who left the comment will remain a mystery. Forbes will not be one of them! LOL!

Let's see what happens. Let's just put that up to yet another untruth from another Amway jerk who is a master of deception.

These liars and fraud artists that operate as Amway ambots continue to harm a corporation that already has a negative reputation. And, in the process, make themselves look like a bunch of jerks.

Yes, as if we are incapable of seeing through your deception. Amway billionaires, to be sure!

Oprah, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg — you've all made the incorrect choice in your careers! Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!!!!!

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