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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Stay Out Of The Amway Hell Hole!

 It's safe to assume that everyone has heard of the young boy who lived in a 24 hour Walmart in Texas for a few days before being discovered. I believe the children's parents had gone on vacation because, for whatever reason, he had been staying at his aunt's place and had run away from home. For a few days' respite, I believe Walmart would be an appropriate location for you to choose from. When you wish to sleep, you can borrow a sleeping bag or some bedding, and there is plenty of food available! And there are many of options when it comes to changing your attire. He had to continuously changing his clothes in order to avoid being recognised as he emerged from the cubby holes between the shelves where he had been concealing himself. The truly revolting aspect of the situation was that the child was wearing diapers rather than using the Walmart facility. As if a Walmart security guard is stationed at the restroom entrances 24 hours a day to ensure that they do not receive repeat customers, it is unlikely that this is the case. If he had gone to the restrooms, he could have also gotten rid of his rubbish in one of the garbage cans that were available. He was apprehended after staff members traced a trail of rubbish and discovered him in one of his secret campsites.

So everyone can see how it's quite simple to go unnoticed for a few days while shopping at Walmart. Almost everything you might possibly need to survive is included within.

Then it occurred to me that this identical kid might have taken refuge in the Amway warehouse. I'm not sure if the Amway warehouse is open 24 hours a day, but if it is, it may operate on two shifts, one during the day and one during the night. Let's just pretend that this is one of those occasions when the warehouse is closed for a few hours in the middle of the night to accommodate customers. Consider this a pretend camper who made the mistake of hiding in the Amway warehouse first, in keeping with Amway's philosophy of playing pretend because it is a pretend business.

I'm not sure how Amway's warehouse is organised, but I'm betting there are aisles with boxes stacked high that someone could hide behind if necessary. So, let's say the child discovers a suitable hiding place to spend the night. He'll have to scrounge around for some food now. Consider the perspective of a 14-year-old boy who wants to stock up on groceries. Potato chips are a snack food. Candy. Soda pop, to be precise. Cookies. Pop tarts are a type of pastry. As a result, the child ventures out into the Amway warehouse in search of food and drink. What does he come across? XS Drinks with a lot of energy. As a child of that age, he is likely to enjoy them, leading him to save a few for later, only to be disgusted when he discovers that they taste like a combination of cat urine and really unpleasant cough syrup. He throws them away, so starting a garbage trail. He comes upon a box of something that looks like granola bars and decides to give it a try. The flavour is like excrement covered cardboard! He dumps it in the garbage can with the rest of the rubbish. Then nature calls, and he goes on a search for Amway diapers to fill the need. There aren't any to be found. As a result, he simply takes a poo in the aisle. He'd want to change his clothing, but he can't seem to locate any of them either. He can hear Amway staff talking, so he takes refuge behind a crate. The Amway employees are aware of the trash and faeces on the floor, but they don't give a shit about it and simply disregard it, continuing their walk. It takes the youngster a while to find something he can use as bedding, but all he can find is prestige toilet paper and prestige tampons, which isn't quite what he had in mind. He returns to his tent site and reflects on what a very desolate location he had chosen to spend the night in hiding. His attention is drawn to the debris on the floor by Amway employees passing by and overhearing their conversation. Amway employees have gone as far as to kick the food bars in the face and declare that this is what they think of the shit. The Amway staff carry on as though they couldn't give a fuck why this trash is out in such an odd location.

The lights are turned off, and the warehouse becomes deafeningly quiet. The youngster is starving, and he needs to relieve himself, so he just spits into the Amway boxes he's hiding behind to relieve himself. He chooses to leave and look for a better company to work for because Amway is nothing but a shithole of a corporation. All of the doors are closed and locked. They are not capable of being opened from the inside. It takes him a while, but he eventually discovers out how to unlock one of the garage doors on the loading bay and raise it high enough to get out of the Amway hell hole. After a while, the alarm goes off.

Meanwhile, back at the police station, the officers are investigating the source of the alarm sound. “Oh, that's the Amway distribution centre.” "One of them says," another says. Another officer advises that it should be ignored because no one cares about Amway.

That's right, the youngster made a better option by hiding out in Walmart instead of at home. He was able to save money and live a better life with Walmart as opposed to his previous experience with Amway.

As a result, the lesson here is to avoid the Amway Hellhole at all costs!

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