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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway = Depression

 Apart from causing sadness in those who have to watch their loved ones fall farther and further into the Amway shithole, Amway also creates despair in its own employees, known as "ambots." Indeed, they are losing money, not making the money that their upline promised them they would be making, they are being abused by their upline, and it is just extremely sad to attend Amway cult meetings and be surrounded by all of the negativity that comes along with it, among other things.

Who wants all of that negativity, especially during the month of December and the holiday season and everything else? Amway negativity and Amway despair are not what the Christmas holiday season is supposed to be about, but unfortunately, for far too many people, it is.

Here's a storey from one of my readers, in which his desperation is evident in his attempts to persuade his girlfriend to see the light and realise that Amway is harming her and their relationship. It's the only thing he wants for Christmas this year: to be able to pull his fiancée out of the Amway organisation. I hope he received his Christmas wish and that he and his girlfriend are able to begin healing emotionally and financially from his nasty Amway melancholy, which has taken over their life and taken over their finances.

My girlfriend is now interested in becoming a representative for Amway. And I believe it is because she is so depressed that the prospect of working a 9-5 job appears to be too difficult. She is not in the correct frame of mind to work a full eight-hour day, and she knows it. And I understand what you're saying. I despise my 9-to-5 job and have a desire of one day owning my own business, which I'm working towards on a daily basis by taking modest measures. Understand what it feels like to be depressed and unable to do anything. I've been there. I initially attempted to assist her in finding work since I believed it would make her feel better. The fact that she prefers to be financially independent as well as productive indicates that a job is the best solution for her, but she is now too depressed to accept one. For the past six months, I've tried to be as supportive as possible. I advised her to take her time and that she should feel better. I'll keep working and paying for everything, including my own expenses as well as all of hers, as well as all of her bills and everything else.

In fact, I've been doing it for the past nine months. I assured her that all I asked was that she muster up the courage to seek professional assistance. She has been looking for him for the past nine months, and possibly longer. I'm completely at a loss for what to do because I adore her so much. And as a result, I have the impression that by being there for her, I am actually doing her harm. I'm not going to let her reach rock bottom, because then she'll never get help. But I'm willing to put up with the depression for a while.

However, I am unable to deal with the Amway problem. I informed her that Amway was not the solution. Working for Amway will require you to put in more than 8 hours per day. To sell someone bullshit requires a lot more effort, especially when you are a moral person like my girlfriend and are aware that you are selling them something they do not require. In your line of work, you are in the business of inflicting pain on others.

And, to be honest, it's making me irritable. I understand that my partner is depressed and so unable to work. She, on the other hand, has no issue attending Amway meetings. So, am I a punk, or am I being sucked into something? Is she simply putting me through this nonsense so she won't have to go to work? We are not even married, I am in my mid-20s, and I am financially supporting someone who may or may not be living off of my generosity. Still, I believe she is really depressed the most of the time; she tears a lot and is unable to get out of bed on certain days. But if there is one thing that will bring her out of bed in the morning, it will be Amway. That gives me the impression that I am being utilised. That's my gut feeling, and I know it's not true logically. However, it appears that Amway is more essential than coping with depression, more important than myself, and more important than anything else in my life.

Amway, on the other hand, has an emotional pull on individuals. It is preyed upon by this cult by those whose reasonable thinking has failed them. Amway is currently responsible for the death of my girlfriend's mother. Her mother's death was caused by her convincing her not to take her medication. Sure, the majority of Amway representatives will begin by declaring that they are not doctors, but they will then proceed to tell you that they are well-versed in the subject matter. My gf's sister was successful in convincing their mother to quit taking the blood thinners, and if you are an ill elderly parent, what are you going to do if you cannot trust your children? I'm hoping for the best, lol.

You all have a great deal of experience with this, and I'm sure the reason for this has little to do with Amway. It's all a matter of sentiment. People buy on the basis of emotion, and people sell on the basis of emotion. It all comes down to the dream. I am quite aware that I have written a manuscript (taken 2 posts). I hope you will accept my apologies. Please provide me with some suggestions on how to connect with my partner on an emotional level. To assist her in realising that this is not the best option for her emotionally. She's told me that she understands logic and that she does. But I'm unable to connect with her on an emotional level.

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