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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Brainwashed Ambot Amspeak Bullshit

 A few days ago, I received a comment on the blog from an automated bot. This is a typical Amway crap tirade that we have all heard hundreds of times from the idiots in our Amway upline. What do you do when you don't know whether to insult the bastard or feel sorry for him? I made a handful of changes to this particular post. Aaron included his last name and email address in his initial comment, which I have removed for the purposes of this post. But I'll commend him for having the courage to go public, since most individuals who have been or are involved with Amway are too humiliated to put themselves out there. Aaron is someone I don't know. You should have merely remained anonymous, rather than revealing your identity. It is OK to do so in this setting.

Yes! As a member of the Amway cult, I enjoy it, and despite the negative feedback on this site, I can honestly state that joining the Amway cult was the finest decision I ever made. Consider this: I may either continue to listen to individuals like those who write here, who are full of negativity, or I can surround myself with people who have achieved greatness and can teach me how to do the same. The reason so many people fail in business is that they are unable to overcome the attitude that surrounds them, and as a result, they listen to individuals like you and allow their ambitions to be dashed. What do you think will happen to all of you after you stop working? So, what do you do? What other options do you have if you don't even meet the requirements for retirement? Pay has been reduced in half, and there is nothing to look forward to except poverty... And you expect me to pay attention to YOU? Ha! Please give me a break. Amway is a difficult company to work for. It takes effort and the ability to change everyday behaviours, as well as the ability to move away from all of the broke, negative individuals in your immediate environment, in order to make your own damned opinion. So come together, try to keep the dreams of those who want change out of the sight of those who don't, and go about your business as usual. Except for your grievances and misfortunes, what else do you have to give to the world? Nothing. Oh well, it's your loss, it's your fate. Greetings, my name is Aaron. I've been in the industry for two years and have yet to make any money, but you know what? I'm not giving up hope. It was all because I didn't put into practise what I had been taught and because I was a slacker. Who would want to follow someone who can't even keep their own direction straight?! Well, I've made the decision to go serious about it, and I already have six different legs prepared to begin training. I am a leader who instils in them the ability to disregard popular opinion. A negative point of view can only lead to a negative outcome. It's no surprise that you despise successful people. Are you feeling a little envious? Please keep my name in mind. You will see what I do one day very soon, and not just in the Amway industry, for I will show you all I do. I educate people how to improve their life, whether they are in their current employment or working in our company. Instead of listening to people like you, I teach them to form their own opinions instead of listening to others. Who in their right mind would want to follow someone who is just interested in pointing out the negative aspects of the world? Foolish. But don't forget to keep your opinions to yourself. We are in desperate need of garbage men, janitors, and Walmart employees. Thank you for ensuring that I have people from whom I can draw inspiration in order to make a difference in my life. Take it to the hilt! It's fantastic! Let's get this party started! Aaron. Keep it in mind.

Do you enjoy being a member of a cult? We weren't able to brainwash me since the bastards in our Amway upline weren't successful, so I don't have the same experience you do. However, I believe that every member of a cult will speak positively about their experiences and how much they enjoy it.

Is there any negativity here? Ambot's standard reaction, demonstrating his inability to distinguish between negativity and the truth.

Is it true that becoming a member of Amway was the best decision you ever made? 'Poor, deprived soul,' I say. Your life must be in shambles to say the least!

Is it true that the majority of people who fail at Amway do so because they lack the proper mentality? I believe you're referring to the mentality of a business owner in this case. Absolutely, there are people out there who do not have the necessary resources, whether they be financial, emotional, or physical, to be a successful business owner. That's something I've mentioned numerous times. I don't go around calling people names or making fun of them. Make an effort to keep up with the times. People with the names De Vos and whatever the other guy's name is, as well as their heirs, are the only ones who own an Amway operation in the United States. Everyone else works as a commission-based sales representative. An employee who does not have any employee benefits, such as a consistent paycheck.

What will happen to us when we retire, and what other possibilities do we have for our retirement are some of the questions we have. People make decisions about their retirement while still employed in their current jobs. Retirement savings plans, the purchase of stocks or real estate, the ownership of a legitimate business that they may sell upon retirement, and the contribution of funds to a pension plan are all examples of options. There are a plethora of alternatives available. If you're truly delusional enough to believe that Amway is the only retirement possibility available, you should talk with a financial advisor or retirement planning professional. What's more, guess what? That piece of garbage was also heard by all of us! "What else is out there?" your Amway upline asks, causing them to sneer and scoff. What's more, guess what! There are several things!

Is it possible to be poor in retirement? I suppose it could happen to folks who are stupid enough to stay with Amway for a long enough period of time and blow through all of their savings while accruing credit card debt.

Is it possible that you have been a member of Amway for two years without making any money? That is the same tale told by 99.9 percent of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs). Get a clue, people! You will never make money in Amway unless you are selling books you have authored, recordings where you are the speaker and made the CD, and tickets to events where you are the speaker to ambots. Even if you do have a business strategy, do you follow it like a real business owner? The majority of business owners are unable to continue operating at a loss for an extended period of time. They must make a sound business decision, which is sometimes a difficult one, to reduce their losses and close their doors.

It is possible that you have low self-esteem if you truly believe the fucking morons in your Amway upline who claim that your inability to make money is because to your laziness Seek professional counselling assistance. Do not engage in “counselling with upline” for the love of fuck because those assholes will only screw you up even more!

Are you prepared to begin with six distinct legs? Yes, you do, don't you?

Sneering at people who hold employment is standard ambot behaviour. I don't pass judgement on people based on their occupation, but it's evident that you have issues with janitors and Walmart employees and believe they are beneath you. Ambot is a messed up, judging jerk. The fact that you work for Amway does not give you the right to think you're superior than everyone else. You certainly aren't! I declare you to be the filthy scum of the earth!!!

Aaron, it is evident that you do not instruct individuals on how to improve their life. Not after reading what you've written here. You have the normal negative Amway ambot attitude, which is understandable. Why are you so preoccupied with the "negative" rather than attempting to discover the truth? Who knows what it is about terms like negative, loser, and lazy that makes ambots so suspicious. The rest of the world, on the other hand, is not.

Speak with a financial industry professional and present him with your Amway business plan to receive an unbiased professional opinion on it. You've been out of work for two years and still haven't figured it out? It's past time to look for a more promising business prospect.

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