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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Ambot Mantra: Your J.O.B. Is A Pyramid

 How many people recall being in Amway meetings and hearing the cult leader yell, "Your work is a pyramid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or something similar?

And then, to finish it off, the bag of shit would draw a bunch of circles in a kind of pyramid pattern, just like Amway cult leaders are fond of doing. The owner of the company would be at the top of the hierarchy, followed by several degrees of managers and supervisors, and finally employees.

Even if the Amway pyramid or the J.O.B. pyramid is being railed at by its cult leader, the Ambot will always be at the bottom of it.

Due to the fact that businesses come in many shapes and sizes, the job pyramids they were developing would be more representative of larger corporations where there may be a variety of managers. Perhaps something along the lines of a huge box retailer.

Amway ambot propaganda at its finest. The life of an Amway Ambot is comprised of deception, denial, distraction, and defence. And make a replica of it. Let's not forget about the Ambots who went berserk, mouthing the words of their Amway cult leaders and accusing everyone else of working in a pyramid scheme.

The majority of people who have jobs don't have to put out as much effort in supporting their employer's position. And, even if they did, why would they continue to work there? After all, who needs that type of headache? I wasn't hired to be a public relations machine.

Considering that the majority of people associate Amway with pyramid schemes, it is only natural for Amway Ambots to fight back and defend their beloved employer while also attempting to divert the attention of those who are not members of the Amway cult. Because of this, the leaders of the Amway cult have come up with a dumb fuck mantra: Your job is shaped like a pyramid.

Most people who work jobs, even if they are earning minimum wage and working only one hour per month, still earn more money than an Amway ambot who earns a $10 monthly commission. As a result, the vast majority of individuals work more than an hour every month, and all of those people out there working jobs are earning significantly more money than an Amway "business owner."

People who work have the potential to get benefits such as vacation time, a pension plan, and other such programmes. Job seekers who require additional training, which is usually covered by their employer, are known as employees. If any travel is required, whether for training or as part of the job, the employer is often responsible for covering the costs of travel, lodging, meal allowance, and car rental. People who have jobs are not required to make purchases from their employer in order to get a paycheck as a condition of employment.

Amway ambots, on the other hand, are unable to claim the same about their company. Ambots are expected to cover the costs of their own training, as well as any transportation and other relevant charges to travel to the training facility. Amway Ambots must spend a minimum of $300 per month on shoddy, overpriced Amway products in order to earn a commission of approximately $10 per transaction. It costs roughly $50 per month to belong to their cult sect, $40 per month to participate in Communikate, $50 or more on books and CDs, and hundreds of dollars more to attend events where Amway cult leaders speak. Say $500 to $1000 per month as a bare minimum — depending on whether or not there is a significant Amway function that month.

So, what is the best course of action to take? Spend hundreds of dollars per month to make $10 as part of the Amway pyramid, or in a job where you earn hundreds or thousands of dollars per month without having to spend a dime on overhead.

Which makes more economic sense in the long run? Paying your boss to work there, such as Amway ambots do, or having your boss pay you for working there are both possibilities. Except that at this time, Amway Ambots will be yelling, "I'm a company owner!" I don't have a regular job, and I sneer at anyone who has a boss.”

It's very nasty to be brainwashed by Amway cult leaders into believing that you're a member of an expensive buying club and that you're only getting a little percentage of the commission on the things you purchase.

Amway ambots are such gullible cretins that they are unable to distinguish between the true pyramid scheme and the ambush. Amway cult leaders brainwash them into saying dumb fuck things like "your job is a pyramid," which they then repeat again and over.

As a result, what do you reply when an Amway Ambot yells at you, "your job is a pyramid!"

“Are you one of those fucking Amway assholes?” says the respondent. “Why does your upline have more control over your life than my supervisor does at my job?” I wonder.

If you're lucky, that's the time when the Ambot will vanish. That one didn't have a pre-programmed response.

The phrase "Your J.O.B. is a Pyramid" is one of the mantras that Amway Ambots recite the most frequently. This phrase is frequently used as a technique to critique regular employment and promote the Amway business opportunity as a more lucrative and rewarding alternative. Specifically, the statement is used to promote the Amway business opportunity.

The fundamental idea that underpins the mantra "Your J.O.B. is a Pyramid" is that traditional employment is analogous to a pyramid scheme, in which a select few people at the top of the hierarchy enjoy the rewards of the labor put in by those lower down the hierarchy. The conventional employment model is predicated on the assumption that an employee is contributing to the growth of another person's company and hence will never be able to achieve the same degree of monetary success as their employer.

Amway, on the other hand, presents its business opportunity as a method for individuals to develop their own businesses, earn financial freedom, and achieve success on their own terms. The concept of being an Amway Independent Business Owner, also known as an IBO, is that individuals can take charge of their own financial future and develop a business that offers them the possibility of making an endless amount of money if they do so.

The usage of the mantra "Your J.O.B. is a Pyramid" might be an effective technique to inspire people to examine their current employment position and think about the Amway business opportunity as a potential route to attain greater financial success. Having said so, it is essential to acknowledge that this assertion does not present a whole or balanced picture of the situation.

Despite the fact that traditional employment frequently takes the form of a hierarchical organization in which a select few individuals at the top get the most money, this is not the same thing as a pyramid scheme. In a pyramid scheme, individuals are enticed to participate in a fraudulent business opportunity by the promise of significant financial gain, but in order to realize that gain, they are expected to bring in further participants into the plan. This is against the law and unethical standards.

Traditional employment, on the other hand, is a valid form of business model in which workers are compensated for their time and the knowledge they provide. There is a possibility that the amount of money that an individual is able to earn at a standard work is restricted; however, traditional jobs typically offer other advantages, such as job stability, benefits, and a consistent paycheck.

The "Your J.O.B. is a Pyramid" motto is, in the end, a marketing strategy that Amway Ambots employ to promote the Amway business opportunity. It is necessary to approach the decision with a critical eye and thoroughly analyze the pros and negatives of the Amway business model before making a commitment, even though it may be helpful in convincing people to explore the benefits of being an IBO.

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