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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Ambot Mantra: Nothing Else Is Important Except Amway

 In enough Amway meetings, I sat and listened to our piece of crap Platinum or some screwed up Diamond complain and bitch about how they'd rather be spending time with their families than talking to the cult followers.

Fortunately, that was about the only thing I had in common with those jerks. Listening to those conceited jerks spout off their garbage is something I'd rather be doing with my family than listening to them.

Every now and then, we'd get some nonsense list of the things in life that were most essential to the cult leader. Amway would be near the bottom of the list, with god, family, wife, and other important things ranking higher.

It is a fact of life that when you are an ambot, nothing else in your life is as essential as your relationship with Amway. Here is a list of things that are critical to an ambot's success:

Amway (number one)

Amway (number two)

Amway (number three)

Amway (number four)

Amway (number five)

I'm confident you've picked up on the pattern. The number of items on that list might number in the thousands!

I have arranged the list in order of relevance to an ambot, however the Amway cult leaders do not state the facts as they are known by them. Instead, they employ brainwashing to communicate the same idea to their followers.

1. Purchase a minimum of 100 PV ($300) in Amway goods each month to qualify.

2. Attend all Amway meetings as scheduled.

3. Purchase all Amway-related tools (which will cost a few hundred dollars more every month).

4. Worship the Amway cult leader as a deity.

5. Give everyone in your Amway upline a good kiss on the behind.

6. Devote your life to the spread of the Amway gospel message.

7. Ignore your wife and family – they aren't nearly as vital as the great Amway deity.

8. If your employer refuses to grant you time off to attend Amway events, quit your job.

9. Forgo your mortgage or rent and use the money to donate to Amway

Make enemies with everyone you know in order to please the big Amway god.

According to the preachings of the morons in the Amway upline, anything else in an ambot's life is completely unimportant.

Amway is a multinational direct selling corporation that offers a diverse selection of items in the fields of health, beauty, and home care. It has been in business since 1959 and currently maintains a presence in more than one hundred nations all over the world. Building a solid network consisting of consumers and distributors is one of the distinguishing elements of the Amway business model, which places a major focus on doing so. Distributors are incentivized to expand their downlines by signing up new members, which paves the way for them to earn commissions on sales that are generated by their teams.

"Nothing else is important except Amway," also known as the Ambot Mantra, is a saying that is frequently used by Amway distributors as a method to demonstrate their dedication to the company and the business. The Amway business is more than just a way to supplement one's income for many of the company's distributors; rather, it is a way of life.

In this piece, we will investigate where the Ambot Mantra came from, its meaning and relevance, as well as the influence it has had on the Amway community.

The Ambot Mantra's Early Beginnings

It is not fully known where the Ambot Mantra got its start, although it is believed to have started in the 1980s and 1990s, which was a time period in which the Amway business was experiencing substantial expansion. During this time period, a large number of Amway distributors grew extremely driven and committed to the company, frequently referring to it as a "lifestyle" or a "movement."

It is said that distributors came up with the Ambot Mantra as a means of demonstrating their commitment to the company and of constantly reminding themselves of the things that are most important to them. It has developed into an essential component of the Amway way of life and is frequently used as a rallying cry at Amway events and meetings.

Explanation of the Meaning and Importance of the Ambot Mantra

"Nothing else is important except Amway," also known as the Ambot Mantra, is a saying that exemplifies commitment and concentration. It says that Amway should take precedence over everything else in a distributor's life, and that everything else should take a backseat to the business of selling Amway products.

Numerous Amway distributors look to the Ambot Mantra as a means of maintaining their drive and keeping their attention fixed on the objectives they have set for themselves. This serves as a helpful reminder that achieving success in the Amway company demands undivided attention, consistent effort, and the avoidance of any and all distractions.

The culture that defines the Amway community is reflected in the Ambot Mantra in its entirety. The Ambot Mantra was created to serve as a means of reinforcing the sense of belonging that is shared among Amway distributors. Many Amway distributors consider themselves as being a member of a welcoming and tight-knit community.

Influence felt throughout the Amway Community

The Amway community has been profoundly influenced by the recitation of the Ambot Mantra. It has been a source of motivation and inspiration for many distributors, assisting them in remaining focused on their goals and overcoming any challenges that they have encountered along the way.

On the other hand, the Ambot Mantra has been condemned by a few individuals for being excessively zealous and cult-like in its behavior. Some people have the opinion that putting all of one's attention on Amway to the exclusion of everything else might result in having a myopic view of the world and having an unhealthy level of loyalty to the company.

In spite of these concerns, the Amway Mantra continues to play an important role in the organization's culture. Distributors all around the world continue to make use of it as a means of demonstrating their dedication to the company and ensuring that they remain motivated and focused on achieving their objectives.


"Nothing else is important except Amway," often known as the Ambot Mantra, is a statement of devotion and commitment that has become an essential component of the Amway culture. Many Amway distributors see it as a tool that helps them stay focused on their objectives and achieve success in the business, despite the fact that some people have labeled it as being too enthusiastic and overly ambitious. The Ambot Mantra is, in the end, a reflection of the culture and values of the Amway community, and its influence will continue to be seen well into the foreseeable future.

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