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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Is Toxic

 I greatly appreciate it when my readers share their Amway stories with me, and I especially enjoy it when there is a sense of humour involved!

According to what I've heard at Amway cult meetings, this fellow, presuming he's a guy, and the fact that most ladies in the Amway mess were dragged there by their significant other and weren't prospected, matches one of the conditions for being a member of the cult. This is done in order to prospect those who are recent arrivals. Not to be disrespectful, but he did state that he was new to the United States and included a link to a Vietnamese website, so I'm just putting two and two together here. Prospecting new immigrants is important because there is a considerable probability they are unfamiliar with Amway's products and services. Their journey has brought them to the land of opportunity, and they have discovered an opportunity that will allow them to become billionaires in 2 to 5 years while working part time for 10 to 15 hours a week. A large number of immigrants come to our country and create businesses, many of which become profitable. And they accomplish all of this without the assistance of Amway. Consider the implications of that. That bunch of fucking Amway jerks will be shitting bricks because they refuse to accept the fact that there are other money-making business opportunities available to them other than Amway. Try to open your eyes, you fucking Amway jerks, and look for actual business options to get involved with. Put up some serious effort. Sitting in someone's living room listening to an Amway cult leader isn't exactly putting in the effort. Spending time with other Amway bastards in a pricey social and buying club is what it is all about.

My reader is completely correct in every way.

Amway is a poisonous company.

I was on the verge of joining the Amway business a few years ago when I was still a newcomer to the United States of America, since a person whom I trusted the most urged me to join. But, fortunately, when I spoke with a large number of legal and business academics, they all slammed me in the face with the reality of this company's practises. Needless to say, our relationship is currently in a state of complete disarray.

The amusing thing that comes to mind after reading this piece is that a few days ago, I was reading through a "training" handbook for IBOs and came across a section where they were instructed to provide "medical advise" to customers if they experienced any "problems" after using the product.

It goes somewhat like this:

"-If a consumer has increased body heat and acne after using a vitamin B product, advise them to utilise it in conjunction with a vitamin C product.

-If the consumer experiences constriction after using the mineral product, reduce (yes, REDUCE, not STOP) the amount of mineral product being consumed.

The consumer should lower (again) his or her vitamin C dosage if he or she has sleeplessness or diarrhoea as a result of the supplement."

If a consumer has acne and diarrhoea at the same time, I'm a little wondering what will happen.

Cuong Nguyen16 has created a slideshare presentation titled "Ky Nang Ban Nutrilite." (I realise you're already aware of it, and this link is in Vietnamese, but I wanted to demonstrate that this phenomenon has spread throughout the world.)

I'm completely speechless. I believe that my BSN degree is completely pointless and that I should have joined Amway and started working as a medical adviser right away. Take a look at how amazing they are. They know exactly how to cope with a drunk customer, and the therapy consists of... consuming even more hazardous substances?

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