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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Beware of Coffee Guzzling Amway Ambots

 So I work for my father's firm, right? It's a terrific company, and I've been with it for a long time. Recently, as I was working out at my gym, a man came me and asked, "woah, are you a personal trainer...?" When she asked if I was "that huge," I replied, "Uhh... (flattered), no, I just work out a lot XD." She was a little taken aback. He then proceeds to inquire as to where I work and whether or not I'd be interested in meeting up for coffee, among other things. He then adds me as a friend on Facebook, which I accept. I don't even know who he is. I was thinking to myself, "Da heq." It was a bizarre experience. Afterwards, he bombards me with Facebook messages, asking how I'm doing, how my company is doing, and how successful he is, and requesting that we meet up as soon as possible. I'm thinking to myself, "Why in the world does this guy want to meet me so badly?" So, it's the 18th of January, and he wants to meet up on the 23rd of this month, which is Wednesday, January 23rd. I then went onto his Facebook profile and saw nothing except information stating that he is an Independent Business Owner, IBO, and that he works with Leadership Organizations, among other things. Then it says something like "I'm grateful to work for the number one independent business in the world" or anything like that. I was thinking, "Da heq?" Then I notice that he has a number of Amway affiliate links on his page. As a result, he becomes an Amway representative, and he publishes numerous images of his enormous checks and other memorabilia. Riiiiiiight... Consequently, should I go meet with this guy who, based on his past behaviour, has no desire to be my buddy and only wants me to be raped by the huge corporation. I'm not sure about that, though. After discovering that he was associated with Amway, I googled the company and came on this site. I'm thinking, YIKES... I don't want to meet with him anymore. I wasn't really sure why he wanted to meet with me, but now I see why... I'm pleased with the way my business is going. So, should I meet with this person or should I tell him to get the hell out of here?

In case he didn't return to read the post where he left the remark or in case others missed it, I felt I'd spotlight his post today since it still makes for an interesting topic for a future post.

My first piece of advice to him was to simply not show up. It's nothing new to the Amway ambots.

What is it about Amway ambots that makes them want to get together for coffee? They require all of that coffee in order to remain awake for all of those tedious Amway cult sessions.

Meet for coffee is a typical pick-up line for Amway employees. I can even write the script for the scenes that were left out by this poster. In addition, the ambot who wants to be his friend, gym buddy, or whatever else told him that he knows some hot shit business owner who is extremely successful and makes barrels of money every month in his business while only working 10 hours a week and he can tell you are a real sharp guy who has what it takes to be an entrepreneur as well and he can't promise you anything, but why don't you all meet for coffee.

Amway platinum is more than likely to be the hot shit "company owner" who is a sack of shit Amway platinum. Almost certainly, there will be another guy there, some sort of medical sports "expert," who will lie about how Amway's Nutrilite vitamins and sports drinks are the greatest on the market and the incredible results you'll see if you take them, such as completing the New York Marathon in 25 minutes.

Very likely, this gym buddy just joined the gym after he signed up with Amway in order to prospect for the company. You could even report this Amway son of a b*tch if your gym has policies against bothering other gym goers in order to sell your product or services, depending on your facility's policies.

This individual was extremely intelligent. He conducted some background investigation on the individual and discovered that it screamed Amway to him, prompting him to look up more information about Amway on the Internet. When we were in Amway, we were told that the best people to prospect were those under the age of 30 because they were likely to have never heard of Amway, how it is a pyramid scheme, how people are abused, and the emotional and financial distress they experience when they join the Amway cult. We agreed with this. Blogs like this one are really useful in disseminating information on what it's truly like to work for Amway to the general public. Other bloggers emphasise on the lacklustre nature of the business prospect. It is my goal to bring attention to the jerks you have to deal with in your Amway upline, as well as the nonsense and lies they spread, and how nothing provides these fuckers more delight than destroying other people's life through bankruptcy, foreclosure, and divorce That is the fate that awaits those who are unfortunate enough to fall prey to the Amway cult in the future.

Furthermore, the fact that the ambot's Facebook page states that he works for the world's largest corporation is highly telling. First and first, I was completely ignorant that Amway was the number one company, which is yet another Ambot falsehood. However, the fact that he posted that he works for this company is telling. Yes, you are correct. Works. A salesperson who is paid on commission. And it's a low-paying one at that. The majority of ambots claim to be self-employed and to be working for themselves rather than for someone else.

That being said, here's the deal. This individual does not wish to become your buddy. Oh, he'll be sucking the life out of you while recruiting you to join the Amway cult, but all he truly wants from you is your financial support. His share of the commission he earns on the Amway products you purchase and can resell!!! To other people, that is. As evidenced by Amway's sales figures, which show that only 3 percent of sales are generated by people who are not affiliated with Amway IBOs, everyone really wants to go out and buy shoddy, overpriced Amway products. After all, Amway is all about buying from your own store and being your own best customer. But what they forget to mention is that you will be your sole customer, and who can survive in business if they have no other customers other than themselves?

Anyone who wants to be your friend just for the financial gain they can derive from your friendship is not a true friend. Remove the Amway jerk from your life and don't waste any more time with him.

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