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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Cult Leaders Expect Downline To Be Accountable

 Some obtuse schmuck The leader of the Amway cult decided to drop by my site and leave a remark on it. That piece of writing is tedious and full of twisted Amway indoctrinated garbage, so I'm not going to bore everyone by reproducing it here.

You're probably familiar with the classic Amway adage about lying and denying and then trying to distract people. As a result, I received the entire treatment! The ambot makes an attempt to dispel the notion that Amway and WWDB are cults. Later, in the old Amway ambot twisted thinking, says that "culture" and"cult" are the same thing, and that he likes the Amway WWDB culture, therefore if this is a cult, he loves it, as well as all the other Amway lovey dovey bullshit that comes along with being a kiss ass ambot, he says.

Returning to the topic of ambot ass kissing, he states that he does not expect any of his downline to kiss his ass. Yes, that's correct. However, he goes on to emphasise that he expects them to be accountable to him.

What the fuck is going on? And you make the claim that you are not a member of a cult. Why in the world should anyone be held accountable in your presence? Is there anyone who can identify the cult leader? You're studying the Jim Jones manual, aren't you?

And what exactly do ambots have to be "accountable" to the jerks in their upline about is anyone's guess.

Let's see what happens. Because of the tens of millions of dollars they will make in Scamway, ambots must be accountable to the asses in their Amway upline about their ambitions and the material goods they plan to purchase with the money they will make in Scamway. It will be held over their heads by the asses in their Amway upline who will use their dreams against them and ridicule them for not earning enough money to buy them if they do not produce enough money to support their greed.

All Amway bots must hold themselves and their Amway upline accountable for the amount of Amway items they purchase on a monthly basis. The minimum is 100PV, which implies they can earn a $10 commission check from Amway while without jeopardising the commissions earned by their upline and their downline. In order for an ambot to succeed, the assholes in their Amway upline will be riding their butts to ensure that they purchase at least 100PV = around $300 - in nasty overpriced Amway stuff. The end of the month approaches and some upline asshole requires additional funds to fulfil their monthly objectives, you can expect the asses in your Amway upline to hold you accountable for spending additional funds on Amway items so that the upline asshole can accomplish their objectives. Make use of your credit cards to accrue debt! Ha! Then your bank will hold you responsible for paying that bill on your behalf. What chance do you have that the jerks in your upline will take any responsibility for your debt? No? This blog was created to hold those jerks in your Amway upline responsible for causing you financial hardship.

You will be held accountable by the jerks in your Amway upline to purchase Amway business tools – in other words, CDs and books that are pushed by the Amway diamonds, which is how they make their money. It also includes pointless extras such as a monthly membership in whatever Amway cult group you subscribe to and Communikate, amongst other things. Those in your Amway upline who don't believe you will hold you accountable and give you shit about how you aren't a real company builder and that they will have nothing to do with you until you pay up the $$$ will be furious.

You are also held accountable by the bastards in your Amway upline for attending all Amway meetings and lectures, or whatever other bullshit term they give to their cult meetings. If you don't show up, the upline Amway bastards will be on the phone with you, berating you and holding you liable for your failure to show up by complaining that you let the team down. Yeah, my empty seat on the couch simply means that someone else can take its place, so fuck off with that.

Due to the fact that the upline diamonds get their money by speaking at these events, the assholes in your Amway upline will hold you accountable for attending all major Amway functions. Your failure to go equals less money in some Diamonds' bank account, and those fucking assholes in your Amway upline will be holding your accountable for the fact that the much-loved and cherished diamond cult leader is not making nearly enough money if you don't get a ticket.

That's all there is to it. Reverse the situation on those fucking Amway jerks that expect their downline to be held responsible for their actions. Who is responsible to you fucking Amway a**holes? Who is responsible for holding you accountable for obstructing people in your Amway downline from purchasing inferior, overpriced Amway products that they just cannot afford? When you screw your Amway downline and force them to go into credit card debt to purchase shoddy, overpriced Amway products and shoddy, overpriced Amway tools, who is going to hold you accountable? Who holds you accountable for your constant whining and whining and whining at your downline until you browbeat them into spending their money and time attending pointless Amway functions? No one. Who is responsible for bringing emotional anguish to the people in your Amway downline – including the relatives and friends of those cult followers – and how do you hold yourself accountable?

I'm here to take you fucking Amway assholes accountable for the pain you bring onto people's lives. What do you think of when the tables are turned on you and someone is holding your feet to the fire, don't you?

As a result, it's a good opportunity to send out another fuck you to every asshole cult leader in Amway that expects people to kiss their butts and be held responsible for their actions.

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