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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Get a Clue!

 I was reading on the sundeck the other day when I overheard Ambot having a conversation with someone. I didn't even hear him leave the home, despite the fact that I had heard his cell phone ring a few minutes before. Given that my neighbours were putting up Christmas lights, I assumed that one of them had dropped by to visit, and I got up to see who was down there.

What the f*ck is going on? It was that cocksucker who got us to join up with Amway! As if he hasn't learned out by now that he has to stay the heck away from me!!!!!!!!

So I start yelling at Ambot to get that fucking Amway scumbag off my property, which he does. It happens every time that scumbag shows up, so you'd think a rational person would avoid a residence where they're likely to be cursed out every time they enter. Normal and reasonable, on the other hand, are not terms that can be used to describe the Amway jerks. My next-door neighbor's teenager is in the driveway with a friend of his and the guy's car, which is parked across the street. As a result, the child begins to scream as well. Remove yourself from this place like the hell you fucking Amway asshole. He then starts yelling, "Fuck you Amway," to the delight of his companion. Who knows whether or not one of them is familiar with Amway, but the fact that they were standing up for me was fairly amusing. Lieutenant Captain Fuck Up parks his car on the street and gets into it before driving away. Ambot, on the other hand, gets in our car and drives away with us. What the heck is going on!!! So I call his cell phone and ask him where he's heading. McDonald's is where he goes for coffee. Shit! An ambot meetup is signified with an international sign! Let's get together for coffee!!! I say that fucking Amway jackass best not be attempting to sign you up for Scamway again anytime soon. He says he will not. I instruct him to fetch me a McFlurry since I know if he's dealing with ice cream, he won't be able to stand it for long in that situation.

Fortunately, Ambot returns home about half an hour later with my treat, and I immediately start grilling him about what Captain Fuck wants now because the only time he ever hears from that arrogant prick is when he wants something. He doesn't appear to have any money. The fact that someone in the Amway organisation does not have money is a huge shock! When we were involved in the scheme, Captain Fuck Up was the father of one child. His output has increased to two more people who have joined Amway, the religion of greed, since that time. It's exactly what the world needs right now. More children who are gluttons for punishment. Captain Fuck Up has informed us that he requires funds in order to purchase a gift for his children for Christmas and has requested that we assist him. If he can't keep a job and provide for his family, what the hell is our problem, right? In addition, because you will always be impoverished while working for Amway, you have no business expanding your family size. As an arrogant jerk, he is fired from every job he holds because he has the mindset that he is better than everyone else since he is a "genuine Amway business owner" and everyone else is a fucking loser, and everyone else is a fucking loser. Before joining Amway, he had that arrogant prick mentality. Since becoming a member of the cult, I've only made slight improvements. if he sends Captain Fuck Up any money, Ambot advises him it would be more hassle than it is worth to come clean with me about it.

It is not our obligation to see that that fucking Amway jerk is able to provide Christmas presents for his children. All of the grandparents, as well as aunts and uncles, are still living and well. Allow blood relations to donate money to him if they want those children to have a happy Christmas. Because he's already alienated everyone else, I'm sure he's turning to folks like us with some sob tale to make us feel better about ourselves.

You're a jerk, so fuck you! You incurred significant financial loss, you miserable lying Amway son of a b*tch, and we are not going to give you any more!!!

Make a trip to the dollar shop and pick up some colouring books and crayons for your children. You are under no obligation to provide those greedy little bastards with the computers, phones, and tablets that Ambot claimed were on the shopping list. I'm not kidding when I say fuck. If you had given me a Sears catalogue when I was a youngster, she would have advised me to choose something that didn't cost more than $10. You don't have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on Christmas presents for your children to be happy. Unless you're in Amway and spending your money to raise the next generation of selfish jerks who will eventually take over the cult, of course.

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