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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Ambots Are Automatic Medical Professionals

Anna Banana, how are you?

This type of information is desperately needed, and your blog provides it. Unfortunately, I have a sibling who is also deeply involved in this narrative, which sounds horrific. It is his mission in life to convince everyone that they are fools for spending money on medical care when they can just add dietary supplements to their meals and be free of all their maladies! Isn't it crazy that these individuals don't know that we all require medical care at some point in our lives, something that will never be available "over-the-counter" anyplace in the world? I just don't understand how some people can be so oblivious to their own folly at times.

I've been seeing a lot of similar comments written on my blog recently, which makes me think it's time to review the whole question of whether or not just because someone works for Amway automatically qualifies them for a medical diploma and the ability to provide medical advise to the public. Those who refuse to follow the ambot's medical advise are labelled "idiots," which is the ambot's standard response to anyone who refuses to participate in the fraud.

There are many people who find my blog by searching for Amway products that claim to heal cancer, high blood pressure, heart problems, and virtually every other medical disease.

Readers have written in to tell me that someone they know who works for Amway has persuaded family members to quit taking medication for significant medical illnesses and instead use Amway supplements and other items to complement their diets.

It is possible to write your own medical degree as an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). So you'll be led to believe by the jerks in your upline. Although I have seen proof over and again of how being a member of Amway today equates to being an expert in EVERYTHING.

Obviously, you are aware of the situation. Put up a show and pretend like you're somebody else.

Lie after lie is what Amway is built on. If an ambot claims that taking Amway products would treat your medical condition, this is all part of the Amway bullshit propaganda machine, which is dedicated to defrauding people out of their money and instilling false hope in their minds. Falsehoods and garbage are spread by the Amway cult leaders and their followers as part of the Amway propaganda machine. The practise of selling snake oil has been around for many years. Because of their affiliation with Amway, they've recently seen renewed vigour.

They have no conscience or morality, and they work for Amway. They will cheat and lie to anyone in order to make a buck in order to try to recover some of the millions of dollars they have sunk into the Amway pyramid scheme in the past few decades.

Of course, an Amway ambot is going to lie and persuade a potential consumer that cancer can be healed with Amway products in order to generate revenue. They're a bunch of lying little bastards, these Amway cretins.

All of Amway's efforts are directed toward selling hope.

Hope is sought by people suffering from incurable illnesses, or even illnesses that are not life-threatening but are painful or go downward. There is no such thing as a miracle treatment. With their snake oil items, the Amway jerks con patients out of their money and lie to them about how they would feel better in a short period of time.

The number of times ambots in our line sought medical counsel from us is impossible to count. It's been roughly 20 years since we attended a one-day first aid course, and we've seen almost every episode of the medical drama Emergency Room. The ones that feature George Clooney on more than one occasion, that is! This combination of factors elevated us to the highest level of medical expertise in our Amway line, and ambots would seek our counsel. Even though I'm not authorised to provide medical advise, these cretins would come to us for a second opinion, anyway! Another doctor should be sought. He is a legitimate doctor who attended a legitimate university and graduated from a legitimate medical school. This is not coming from someone who enjoys watching doctors on television or in movies. I'm not joking when I say that it's astonishing how ambots are medical specialists who can offer medical advice and who are convinced (brainwashed) of their qualifications merely by virtue of their membership in Amway. An Amway medical degree is equivalent to an IBO card.

I've had comments from people who are concerned about loved ones who have been persuaded to stop taking their prescribed medication from actual doctors for serious medical illnesses because an ambot has convinced them that Amway items will cure their ailments. Exactly, cure them all the way to the cemetery.

Those that work with Amway are liars and cretins who couldn't give a flying fuck about anything except their greedy goal of becoming wealthy and retiring to the beaches of the world within 2 to 5 years.

Cancer patients must pay attention to their doctor's recommendations. Take traditional medical procedures and perhaps seek a second, third, or fourth opinion. It is true that some cancer patients experiment with complementary and alternative therapies, but they should not forego surgery, chemotherapy, or prescription drugs simply because some fucking Amway asshole convinces them that by drinking a case of Perfect Water per week, the cancer will be eliminated.

Because Amway refuses to accept responsibility for the activities of their representatives, they will almost certainly find themselves on the wrong side of a lawsuit nevertheless, because they are ultimately accountable for the actions of their sales force.

In order to persuade consumers to purchase Amway products, Ambots are encouraged to tell lies to them. And fuck it to anyone who is injured as a result of following erroneous medical guidance.

This search for evidence to support claims that Amway products heal cancer and other diseases demonstrates that Amway independent business owners (IBOs) are promoting those lies over the Internet.

In the end, that is the conclusion. Amway independent business owners (IBOs) are the greatest jerks in the world, and they would lie about everything, trample over everyone, and do whatever it takes in their greed-driven frenzy to become wealthy in Amway business.

People, if you are suffering from a serious medical problem, DO NOT seek medical advice from Amway representatives. 

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