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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Getting Scammed Into An Amway Meeting Part 1

 Thank you to X for sharing his storey of how he and his wife were duped into attending an Amway meeting under the impression that it was some sort of hiring fair for a legitimate job. This is a common approach employed by Amway assholes who are lying about their qualifications. His description of an Amway meeting was spot on: creepy, cult-like, misogynistic, and odd (to use his words).

So. Someone attempted to recruit my wife under the guise of "hiring" her for a new company venture that they were launching at the time. And she even went out with the couple for coffee, where they claimed their "friend" could better explain the situation, and my wife insisted on accompanying me because she thought it sounded suspicious and strange. Our Amway meeting at 8 p.m. with the World Wide Group (I believe). So we thought to ourselves, "How long could this possibly go on?" and made plans for dinner and everything else later that evening.

After three hours and fifteen minutes, they announced that they would be taking a 15-minute break.

Anyways. The entire experience was strange, cult-like, misogynistic, and bizarre.

While my wife and I were sitting with our arms crossed and our gazes fixed on the floor, the head guy giving the address received a standing ovation as he stepped into the room. And the meeting itself hadn't even taken place yet. We just couldn't comprehend why someone should be greeted with applause before he or she performs ANY action.

The majority of the first two hours was devoted to discussing how much money you could make and how simple it was to do so. As well as how he learned about it from a younger lady who was earning a lot of money, to which he stated that his initial reaction was "Man, if a woman can do it, how difficult could it be?" What the hell is going on?

Everything was about how you, the guy, could take care of your wife so that she would never have to work again. After all, working is exhausting, and your wife should be able to spend her days taking care of and giving birth to children, having manicures and pedicures, and applying makeup. It was a little disgusting. And it's offensive to my wife, who is a wonderful woman.

Eventually, after THREE HOURS of Kens and Barbies being brought up to tell us how wonderful their lives were now (testimonials), the wife of the person who brought us here handed us this black information box (with a diamond on the seal and the world behind it) and urged us to take a peek inside. We were urged to conduct our own research and informed that we would be expected to meet with the couple after the husband returned to town from his business trip. And we were told that the box was something they'd personally purchased, and that they expected us to return it after we were finished with it.

The moment we stepped into the car, we both stared at each other and wondered, "What the fuck was that?" She urged me to return to the house and drop off the box, warning me that if I didn't, we'd have to deal with them yet another time. I told her that I didn't want to since I'd have to rush back inside where everyone was still there, which seemed dreadful to me, and that I'd rather attempt to ship it back to the store instead (which we just did today).

So, eventually, the wife of the couple began texting my wife to ask if we could meet up somewhere. There had been a week since our discussion, and we'd agreed during the meeting that this was just creepy and not anything we wanted to deal with. Consequently, my wife told them that we could only meet for a few minutes (which was only to hand over the material), but they were unyielding in their demands. Despite her best efforts, they kept insisting that we attend another meeting (HAH!!) that her husband was hosting, despite her repeated refusals.

Finally, she requested me to send them a text message in which I would play the "bad policeman" and explain that I was denying my wife the opportunity to participate and that as a result, we were not interested.

More in the second comment... since, according to her, her text message is really long and makes this post too long to publish...

That black Amway box is a brand new one, but the Ambot must pay for everything, which is why they want their scuffed equipment returned as soon as possible. It's all part of the brainwashed cult worship thing: Blessed be our Amway cult leaders, let us shower them with our love and admiration before they do anything (and it's not like he's going to do anything remarkable anyway or say something that normal people want to hear): PUKE!!!!!!

Yes, keep tuned for Part 2 of Getting Scammed Into An Amway Meeting, which will be released soon!

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