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Sunday, September 5, 2021

An Amway Insider Gives Us The Truth

 A current Amway employee has provided me with some insight into what it's like to work for the company these days. I was really aback to learn that Platinums get $35,000 each year. According to a book written by a former Emerald - Merchants of Deception – that is the amount of money that Emeralds make each year.

I would have guessed that Platinums are in the 20- to 25-thousand-dollar range. I understand that these dishonest Amway jerks would try to dupe you into believing that it is tens of thousands of dollars more. His salary was $75,000 per year, but he was undoubtedly earning significantly more than that because he was such an exceptional piece of Amway garbage that he was earning well in excess of $100,000 per year. In addition, the upline emerald was generating $125,000 per month. Yeah, I think I overestimated both by a factor of a hundred thousand dollars. So here's the inside scoop about Amway, its income, and its products, straight from an insider. We were told by an Amway insider that Diamonds require 500 to 1000 people in their downline in order to generate the $150,000/year income that the average Diamond gets according to Amway's literature. And even though the Emerald author of Merchants of Deception had roughly 1000 people in his downline, he was unable to break over the 35k barrier and reach Diamond status. As a result of all of this, we might conclude that the mission is nearly impossible. Also, I would recommend that this gentleman go to Lowes or Home Depot or anywhere he can find a more affordable water filtration system, where the filters may also be purchased! Save hundreds of dollars compared to purchasing through Scamway!

Thank you for being honest and telling us the truth. You're exactly right!

Amway's objectives are simple: to sell their products.

The IBO's objectives are to recruit more people into their cult. Uplines (Platinum and above) aren't very concerned with Amway's products; instead, they are concerned with acquiring more followers in order to fully protect their Amway's methods. The IBOs at Amway believe that acquiring followers is far more essential than selling actual products, which is in direct opposition to the company's objective.

There's something seriously wrong with this company.

Three years ago, I became an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). Because I have a good work ethic, I have no downlines and don't accomplish much in this business. After using a few of the products, I have to concur that they are of reasonable quality. However, they do not provide any justification for the expenditure. There's no way I'm going to be able to sell these substandard products, whose quality is inferior to that of lower-priced alternatives on the market. For example, Dawn's Power Clean cleans far better and more quickly than Amway's Dishdrops for a fraction of the cost and with half the number of "drops." There are many other goods of this nature available on the market already. There is no way an IBO can simply lie about how amazing these inferior products are and not feel any regret for their actions. Because I purchased the eSPRING system in order to meet my $150 in 3mo offer in my first year, and now all I require are the eSPRING filters, I am continuing to be an IBO (retail price equals IBO price plus membership fee). Amway, on the other hand, is increasing the price of its eSPRING products year after year. Because IBOs can bluff their way into selling eSPRING, the business believes it has complete control over the situation. Legally, you can only purchase eSPRING products through Amway firms, which means that there shouldn't be any other competitors offering these products on the marketplace.

As you are aware, in order to become a platinum member, one must accumulate at least 7500 points (or 10,000 points). There are essentially two routes that might be taken to achieve this purpose. One method is through sales, which is obviously not the IBO's suggested method of earning money. In order to achieve this goal, the other option is to recruit as many downlines as possible. That entails making contacts and telling lies while at work. Second, the average Platinum earns only $35k per year, which implies that they will still require employment and will require a large number of contacts in order to obtain Platinum legs in order to become Diamond IBOs. This means that they will have to set aside time during the course of their workday to attract people (also known as "make contacts"). Third, even though Diamond IBOs can earn up to $150k per year, they will require at least 75 downlines in order to reach this level of success. These Diamond IBOs, on the other hand, have between 500 and 1000 downlines, which implies that they will need to acquire even more followers during the daytime, because not everyone is a "hard worker." Fourth, “you don't need to have a lot of experience to get started in this business.” That's what I was told, at least. It is possible to be a major lie without feeling bad if you can convince others that the Amway business has a bright future and is incredibly promising, as well as that their products are superior to those now available in the marketplace. Fifth, Amway does not qualify as a "eCommerce enterprise" for a variety of reasons. If you want to be successful at this business, you must send your customers to Amway's websites. You are also prohibited from operating your own store. I'm not sure if you're from the same crown upline "god," Bill Britt, who founded his BWW business to supposedly assist IBOs in achieving their goals (such as being free of their jobs) and successes (such as becoming successful) (millionaire, ongoing income). Although the expenses of functions, CDs, and other things from Britt Wilson Worldwide do pile up, the commissions go to Britt, as you might expect. He does not make millions solely through Amway sales; rather, he derives the majority of his income from his external BWW enterprises and functions; IBOs are frequently misled into believing the opposite is the case. As soon as I learned that Bill Britt had passed away a few weeks ago, I was relieved, expecting that this cult craze would soon come to an end. However, I don't believe that will be the case because there are new people in charge of these deceptive functions. Yes, Britt is revered like a god, and he serves as the primary cult leader. However, he will not be going to Heaven.

Amway is a corporation that has been involved in the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry for more than 60 years. The company has a reputation for being controversial, with some individuals hailing it as a legitimate business opportunity, while others denouncing it as a pyramid scheme. Some people view it as both. An insider at Amway can provide insightful information on the inner workings of the company and help shed light on the truth regarding Amway.

Someone who has worked for Amway in any capacity, whether as a distributor or in a corporate position, is considered a "insider" in the firm. This person may have direct knowledge of the policies, operations, and culture of the organization, and they may be able to offer a unique viewpoint on the Amway business model.

An insider at Amway may be able to expose some truths about the company, such as the fact that it is organized in a pyramidal fashion. Distributors receive a commission not just on their own sales but also on the sales of the new recruits they bring into the business. This indicates that a distributor's potential earnings are directly proportional to the number of new members that they bring on board. However, this also means that the majority of distributors will not receive a big income, as the majority of the commissions are paid out to those at the top of the pyramid. This is because the majority of the people involved in the distribution of the product are at the top of the pyramid.

An insider at Amway may also divulge the fact that the corporation spends a significant amount of emphasis on the process of recruitment and the development of teams. Distributors are strongly encouraged to establish teams of other distributors under them and recruit new members to join the company. Because of this, distributors may feel the need to constantly recruit new members and develop their teams in order to keep their income at the same level. This can give rise to a culture of pressure and coercion.

It's possible that an insider at Amway may spill the beans about the steep entry fees required to join the company. Distributors are required to make the investment in a beginning kit, which can range in price from several hundred to several thousand dollars. They are also encouraged to purchase Amway items for personal use as well as for resale and attend training seminars provided by the company. Because of the potential for these costs to rapidly accumulate, many distributors wind up spending more money than they bring in.

At long last, a person with intimate knowledge of Amway may disclose the real earnings potential of the corporation. Even though it is feasible to generate a big income with Amway, the vast majority of distributors do not. This is despite the fact that it is possible to do so. In point of fact, according to the income disclosure statement provided by Amway themselves, the annual income for distributors is typically less than $2,000. This indicates that the majority of participants will not earn sufficient funds to either completely replace their current source of income or become financially independent.

In general, a person with inside knowledge of Amway is in a position to provide useful insight into the functioning of the Amway business model. Although the firm might provide some people with a genuine business opportunity, it is critical to be informed of the dangers and difficulties that are associated with doing business with the company. Before signing up with Amway or any other multi-level marketing firm, it is crucial to do your homework, ask challenging questions, and look for information from independent sources. After that, and only then, will you be able to decide in an informed manner whether or not the opportunity is suitable for you.

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