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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Need Information on WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2013?

 I'm still receiving a large number of requests for information on Amway World Wide Dream Builders WWDB Spring Leadership 2013, which is still ongoing. People need to know what is going on at this Amway event, and here I am, being the generous soul that I am, to assist them.

This is the location where Spring Leadership 2013 will be conducted in order to get some essential terms in:

The Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada will host the event from April 12 – 14, 2013.

The Spokane Arena will host the event from April 19th through April 21st, 2013.

The Modern, in Honolulu, Hawaii, will host the show from April 21 - 22, 2013.

The Hyatt Dulles in Washington, DC will host the event on April 27-28, 2013.

The Denver Merchandise Mart Plaza will be hosting the event on April 27th and 28th, 2013.

Calgary, Alberta is a city in Canada. The Calgary Stampede Corral will host the event on May 3 – 5, 2013.

Minneapolis is a city in the state of Minnesota. The Minneapolis Convention Center will host the event on May 4th and 5th, 2013.

For ambots who wish to attend more than one World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership suck out the brain cells camp, as you can see, there are some scheduling problems to contend with. Not to mention the scuffles that have erupted between the Diamonds and each other while they are speaking at these events. They are all vying for the arenas that can accommodate the greatest number of ambots, which equates to more ticket sales and therefore more money in their pockets. What a screamfest it must be behind the scenes as they determine which Diamonds will be the most successful in their Amway Spring Leadership tool fraud.

They say that the "extremely important information" presented at Amway functions 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years ago is not the same "highly important information" taught now, and that we old timer bloggers are in possession of out-of-date knowledge.


There is no change in Scamway, except for the names of the people in the audience, which are constantly changing.

The leaders of the Amway cult state that every Amway function is a life-changing event that should not be missed at any cost throughout the calendar year.


I'm not sure where I heard that untruth before. Is it possible that it came from our sack of shit Platinum?

At any Amway function, there is no instruction on how to piss all. There are no demonstrated leadership abilities. There are no sales strategies in this game. There is no business education available. The IRS has established that every Amway function is a social gathering sponsored by Diamonds who derive the majority of their Amway income from the tool fraud and deceiving ambots into attending these large functions. However, instead of the promised training, all the ambots receive is one Barbie and Ken after another slinking across the stage gloating about how rich they are as a result of their Amway success and flashing videos or images of their wealth to show off their wealth. Alternatively, it may be the magic of a Hollywood photo session! There's nothing more to say. Amway bots are subjected to hours of misery as they sit and listen to the jerks up on stage yell at each other. The vast majority of those in attendance have been brainwashed ambots. When the scamming lying bastards tease them with their brainwashing words of wisdom about how much they love you and how if they can do it, so can you, they are quite disturbing.

The others are independent business owners (IBOs) or their guests who have not been brainwashed into the Amway cult. They find the Amway functions to be quite scary and disturbing. Then they become enraged. They had been deceived. A group of greedy, materialistic Amway bastards instead of the promised business and leadership training were forced to listen to them. And then they come to my site and tell me about their experience, which is no different from what I had to go through. People who are upset about being scammed want to share their experiences in order to prevent others from falling into the same trap and being defrauded by these cretins as they did themselves.

The upline Amway assholes will begin hounding their downline as soon as Dream Night concludes, in order for the latter to purchase tickets to Spring Leadership. The tickets are likely to be the most affordable component. It is still necessary to travel to the event, which will be held outside of town for the majority of ambots, resulting in additional expenses like as transport, lodging, and food. The typical falsehoods about not needing to carry money and that the ever so helpful (gag!) upline will assist out with his meals and expenditures will be told to ambots who are tricked into attending Spring Leadership despite the fact that they may not have the financial means to travel out of town. Lies! Yeah, I really want to eat something from the Scamway food bar. And then, once you've arrived, the axe is wielded. Amway upline idiots really do want you to chip in for the hotel room that you'll be sharing with 20 other people, and they'll lie to get you to do so.

The question is, what exactly takes place within the arena where ambots adore their cult leaders? Here is the expected nonsense that will be taught during the WWDB Amway Spring Leadership 2013 event. Ambots will be instructed to join CORE and invest in the Amway tool fraud, which includes Communikate, premier membership in WWDB, and the purchase of motivational books and CDs, among other things. After the all-day bullshit session is complete, ambots will be asked to attend night owls meetings and events. All you have to do now is tell the jerks in your Amway upline to fuck off and head back to your hotel to sleep.

What happens when it's finally over? THANK GOD it's over. In true Amway upline fashion, they will have their hands out, asking that the ambot pay a fee in exchange for a ticket to the next Amway activity. In this particular scenario, the Amway WWDB Family Reunion will take place most likely in July 2013.

Alternatively, I might have simply labelled this essay "Another Way To Get Scammed By Amway."

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