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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Ambots Have Low Divorce Rate?

 One of the blatantly false statements I recall hearing from the jerks in my Amway upline is that people who work in the company had a low divorce rate. It's like there's a one percent divorce rate. When contrasted to the rest of the world's divorce rate, the liar's number is 5 percent, or whatever number he chooses to use.

Even years after I first heard it, this bullshit falsehood is still being taught, as evidenced by a comment on my blog from a brainwashed ambot who claimed the divorce rate in Amway is one percent.

Amway bots who have been brainwashed must give this more consideration than simply repeating the lies they hear from the jerks in their Amway upline.

Who is in charge of keeping these kinds of records? And, more importantly, who would want to? Almost everyone at Amway forms a line on one side of the country. On the other side of the country, all of the regular folks form a line. Who has gotten a divorce? Once the number is recorded, someone from the statistics department who keeps track of marriages figures out what proportion of those marriages were recorded.

There is simply no way that anyone in Amway, or, for that matter, any other company, could keep track of divorce numbers.

Suppose an official was actually keeping divorce rate statistics of people all over the world belonging to different organisations, and if there really was a 1 percent divorce rate in Amway, the company would be bragging about it all over their website, in magazine and TV ads with some kind of a slogan that Amway saves marriages and there is a 1 percent divorce rate in Amway compared to the dreaded industry standard. Now is the time to sign up before it is too late for your marriage!!!

Is it possible for any of you ambots to discover such information on Amway's website? No? There is a valid reason for this. Nobody keeps track of that kind of nonsense, and no one representing Amway will ever make such an outlandish assertion in the public arena. People who say things like that are only lying upline assholes like the Platinum, Emerald, or Diamond who stand on a platform and lie to their cult members, expecting them to repeat their lies in the same way.

Being a member of any cult may be stressful on a marriage, and this is especially true if only one half of a couple is a member of the cult and the other half wants their spouse out. The demands Amway places on a marriage produce a great deal of stress: financial, emotional, and a lack of quality time together are just a few examples. There will be challenges in every marriage when there are money problems or emotional abuse or where there is not enough time spent together as a couple. All of these are valid reasons for people to separate or divorce. People who work for Amway have a higher chance of getting divorced than the general population. This is because, in addition to the lack of time spent together, the financial and emotional stress, there is the extra stress of being a member of a cult.

Whenever two people get married, there is a 50 percent probability that they will separate or divorce. Perhaps an even greater likelihood of divorce exists when you factor in the Amway component and all the stress that brings to a marriage.

Amway's divorce rate is one percent, according to official figures, and any ambot who can provide a link to the United States Census Bureau is invited to do so. Any ambot who claims that they are doing something because their favourite Amway leader thinks they should will be laughed out of town.

One of the assertions that Amway Ambots frequently make is that their rate of marital dissolution is far lower than the national average. This assertion has been thrown around by the corporation for a considerable amount of time, and it is frequently put forth as a selling point to prospective employees.

Some detractors have questioned the veracity of the assertion that Amway Ambots have a lower divorce rate than the overall population. These critics have challenged the claim that Amway Ambots have a lower divorce rate than the general population. Although there have been some studies that imply that Amway Ambots may have a lower divorce rate than the general population, these studies are typically undertaken by the corporation itself or by individuals who have a vested interest in promoting the Amway business model. This means that the results of these research may not be reliable.

It is believed that the emphasis placed on family values and the significance of keeping solid relationships within the Amway community could be one of the reasons why Amway Ambots are said to have a lower divorce rate than the general population. There is typically a robust sense of community and support among Amway distributors, and many of them are strongly pushed to place a priority on their personal and familial connections.

Having said that, it is essential to keep in mind that correlation does not automatically equate to causation. It is likely that the lower divorce rate among Amway Ambots is attributable to other causes, such as their greater level of education or their level of income, rather than their involvement in the Amway business. Other potential explanations include.

In addition, it is essential to acknowledge that the assertion that Amway Ambots have a lower divorce rate than the general population does not necessarily imply that the Amway business model does not have any deficiencies or difficulties. MLMs such as Amway can be taxing both financially and emotionally, and the pressure to continually sell items and attract new members can put a strain on personal relationships. MLMs can also be financially and emotionally exhausting.

In addition, the Amway business model places a significant emphasis on the contributions of individuals, both in terms of their efforts and their level of self-motivation. Individuals who do not achieve success in the business may be forced to deal with difficult financial circumstances as well as other obstacles, which can put a strain on their personal relationships.

It is necessary to examine this claim with a critical eye and to recognize that there are many elements that contribute to the success or failure of personal relationships. In general, while there may be some evidence to suggest that Amway Ambots have a lower divorce rate than the general population, it is vital to acknowledge that there are many things that contribute to the success or failure of personal relationships.

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