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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Retires Yet Another 18 Year Old!

 Sometimes I get some dummy asses. Amway ambots drop by to provide their pearls of wisdom. How can you tell if a teenager is telling the truth? When their lips are moving, they are talking! How can you tell whether an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) is lying? When their lips are moving, they are talking! What happens when you combine the two elements? Asshole from Amway, teenager, and everything in between in one small package. LIAR!!! And then putting a comment on this site so that we can all laugh at the little fucker, which is exactly what you should do, so here you go.

This webpage is completely fictitious, to say the least. I'm 18 years old and I retired through the Amway World Wide Group organisation after earning my silver status. I have decided that I will never work again in my entire life. My registration was completed on or around December 26th, 2012. Put an end to your grumbling and focus on either growing your business or enjoying your employment for the rest of your lives. My temptation is to just write an outrageous amount of 'lol's, but I'm going to go do whatever I want in real life for the rest of my life instead. Peace

The following is my answer to the little Amway bastard: If he wanted to be a successful Amway distributor, I told him he needed to be a better liar than that. There is no doubt in my mind that it was him. He specifically failed to inform us that he had purchased a property and paid for it in cash, that he had a series of sports cars, and that he took a monthly trip to Peter Island. In other words, if you're an Amway liar, why not just go ahead and do it?!? Ha!

Okay, maybe it's time for me to leave the room LOL.

Can you image having to deal with a dishonest, rude little Amway jerk like this kid's parents? It's hard to imagine.

Amway, much like other multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations, frequently targets younger people who are anxious to make money and accomplish their financial goals in a short amount of time. However, the unfortunate truth is that a significant number of these young people wind up falling victim to multi-level marketing schemes, and as a consequence, they wind up squandering their money, wasting their time, and even damaging their personal relationships.

One recent illustration of this phenomenon is provided by the account of an 18-year-old woman who was "retired" by Amway not too long ago. When talking about multi-level marketing (MLM), the term "retired" refers to a person who has reached a specific degree of success inside the firm and no longer has to actively recruit new members or sell items to make money. They are no longer required to sell products or attract new members. Instead, they can relax while collecting a commission on a portion of the sales earned by those in their downline.

The life of this young woman, who was just 18 years old at the time, is typical in the world of multi-level marketing. While she was still in high school, she was approached by an Amway recruiter who lured her in with the promise of a life filled with success and financial freedom if she joined the company. It was explained to her that all she needed to do was put forth a lot of effort, adhere to the Amway protocol, and sign up as many people as she could.

At first glance, it appeared as though the 18-year-old was going to have a successful experience. She was successful in recruiting a few people and selling some things, which resulted in a modest sum of money for her efforts. On the other hand, as time went on, she became aware that the business opportunity presented by Amway was not at all what she had been led to believe it would be.

She discovered that the prices of the products were considerably higher than the prices of comparable products that could be obtained in stores, and that a considerable number of her friends and family members were unwilling to buy from her as a result. She also came to the conclusion that the Amway system was significantly dependent on the recruitment of new members, and that the great majority of people that joined the organization did not make any money that could be considered significant.

The young man, who was 18 years old at the time, persisted in his laborious efforts and made an effort to enlist as many new members as he could. However, as time went on, she began to realize that she was spending more time and money on the Amway business opportunity than she was making in return. Ultimately, she decided to stop participating in the Amway business opportunity.

In the end, she made the decision to part ways with the business and on with the rest of her life. On the other hand, she was profoundly changed as a result of the event. She was left feeling disillusioned and saddened as a result of her involvement with Amway because she had lost both money and time, as well as connections with other people.

The experience of this young woman, who is only 18 years old, is only one example of the numerous young people who are recruited by multi-level marketing businesses like Amway. The reality is that the vast majority of people who join these companies do not make any meaningful amount of money, despite the fact that these companies frequently promise their customers a life of financial freedom and prosperity.

They wind up spending more money than they make, and they may even ruin their relationships with friends and family members who are not supportive of their involvement with the company. Instead, they wind up spending more money than they make. As a result of this, it is essential for young people to exercise caution when contemplating MLM business prospects and to thoroughly weigh the costs and benefits of becoming engaged in the endeavor before doing so.

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