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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Amway Platinum is No more

 It's a big deal!

Platinum, our old bucket of excrement, is no longer associated with Amway. Yes, you've been thrown right into the huge giant Amway shithole! Furthermore, it couldn't have happened to a more worthy individual.

The conceited jerk who signed us up for Amway informed Ambot the other day that all of the cult members had received a text message from the Platinum stating that he was no longer in Amway and that he would not be answering any questions about it, so don't bother him with inquiries.

Without a doubt, this is not the case! Never put yourself in the shoes of your superiors

That must have gotten all of those ambots in a tizzy and sparked the rumour mill, which is why Captain Fuck Up felt compelled to share the information with the rest of the world. After being cursed out by me and the neighbor's kid, Captain Fuck Up and his gang left our house and went to McDonald's around ten days ago. Ambot had previously seen Captain Fuck Up when the bastard showed up at our house. That's where Captain Fuck Up went to ask Ambot for money so he could buy Christmas presents for his children. In the sense that we have a genuine responsibility to ensure that someone who is not related to us can receive Christmas gifts. Not! We already have too many people to buy gifts for during Christmas time without adding some messed up Amway bastards and their selfish offspring to the mix. Ambot informed me that he had inquired of Captain Fuck Up as to why he did not approach the sack of crap Platinum for money. When we were in Scamway, the Platinum was constantly mocking the cult members about how wealthy he was because to Amway and how he could lend any of us money at any time, but he didn't because he didn't want us to learn anything from it. In which case, he would have taught us to believe him when he says he has no money to lend since he is in the poorhouse as a result of the Amway scam and has no extra money to give out.

Considering that Captain Fuck Up had not seen the Platinum in a couple of weeks and that another cult leader had been conducting the Amway meetings, I'm not sure how long it had been since the bag of shit had left the organisation. Is it more or less than a month?

Is it true that he left Amway, or did the company's corporate headquarters terminate him? It didn't matter how many times I protested to head office about the sack of trash Platinum, it didn't help. The official I-could-care-less expression According to Amway headquarters, they are not responsible for the messages their cult leaders communicate to their members and that I should speak directly with the fucking asshole about my concerns. After that, I'd receive a letter stating that they're looking into it. Yes, that's correct. They're really considering hiring a commissioned salesperson whose cult followers generate approximately $25,000 in sales per month, and they don't want to upset the apple cart and risk losing that revenue stream.

Is it more likely that someone at Amway's corporate headquarters became enraged because of the additional work that the sack of shit was giving them and responded by sending out the company's usual I don't give a fuck letters? Without a doubt, I wasn't the only one who had a problem with this abusive jerk. If the Amway employee complained enough about the additional labour, it's possible that the company decided to dismiss the sack of dung Platinum. Alternatively, it is possible that Amway conducted an audit of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who were constantly receiving free merchandise for various reasons and chose to fire those whom they suspected of defrauding them.

I really don't know. However, I am aware that someone who has invested so much time and effort into this hoax is unlikely to leave on their own. There has been far too much time and money invested to give up on the ideal of generating billions of dollars in residual income month after month. I'm not sure how long the Platinum was with Amway, but I believe it was several years. For some reason, the number 12 has always stood out to me. What I don't remember is how many years dad was in Amway, how many years he was in and out of Platinum qualification, or how many people lived in his house at any given time over that time period. ...and yes, Platinum was running some sort of Amway flop house when he was caught in the act. His house and our house were built about the same time and are conventional two-story houses with three bedrooms on the first floor and two bedrooms in the basement, as are many other residences. His family lived on the second floor. His son and daughter must be in their late teens by now, so I'm not sure if they are still living at home, and if they are, it's possible that this has freed up some additional sleeping space. The bedrooms in the basement housed two other members of his Amway downline who were also residents of the building. However, the large rec area down there contained three couches on which the ambots could crash, as well as ample floor space to set up sleeping bags. In addition to his family, I noticed at least 6 other people who weren't members of his family at the house practically every single time I went there at any time of day or night, so I'm confident they also resided there. I've stayed in a flop house in the past. At the time, I was in my twenties and driving around California, staying with friends in different cities to see if there was anywhere else I'd like to live or find a job. During my stay in Oakland, I shared a little room with this man from high school with whom I had gone to school, but there were other people in the room with me as well. I was fortunate enough to be assigned a couch. The second or third night I was there, his roommate comes in with a woman somewhere after midnight, which is when I was there. Even though he had the hall light turned on, he did not turn on the lights in the room where a few of us were asleep. I awoke when he called out to my pal and inquired as to whether or not he had any booze. My friend, as well as another person who was woken up, both answered no. I'm not sure if they were under the influence of alcohol and just weren't admitting it, but I made the decision to leave the following day. Aw, the happy memories, but at least none of them took place at Amway Center.

Is it possible that the Platinum's wife finally developed a spine and laid down the law, declaring that it was past time to get out of this fucking scam, stop losing money, and get our lives back on track?

Platinum's sack of poo must have been in Amway for at least 20 years at this point. That is why I believe he was fired by Amway rather than resigning, which would have caused a ruckus among the cult's adherents. They'd all been pushed into renewing their memberships for 2013 and purchasing tickets to Dream Night, which was scheduled for January. They don't see the point in going now that their beloved cult leader will not be present. The only reason they are involved in the scam is because of their love and dedication to their cult leader, and that has now been snatched away. Money down the toilet, as is the case with everything in Amway!

While attending Amway cult meetings, where the bag of sh*t Platinum would draw the pyramid thing on a white board to demonstrate the upline, he would explain that if the person who sponsored you quit, you would be automatically pushed up the pyramid and consumed by the next cult leader in your upline. The fucker would nearly be rubbing his hands together in delight as he hoped that the bastards in his group who had any downline would quit so that he could take advantage of them.

In addition, he had a large amount of Amway excrement in his garage. There were so many boxes stacked around that they couldn't even get the car into the garage. What is he going to do with all of this garbage now? Can he compel the ambots who live in his home to purchase it? Sell it on the internet auction site Ebay.

At this point, all I know is that Platinum, the sack of trash that he is, cannot wreck any more lives. That bastard is evil and enjoys his role as a cult leader, so I have no doubt that he will return with another multilevel marketing scam.

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